Questions tagged [search-trees]

Questions about search trees, a class of data structures used for storing sorted data for efficient access.

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2 votes
2 answers

Interval tree: find all intervals containing a given interval

Given an interval tree $T$ and an interval $I$, I need to find an algorithm that returns all intervals in $T$ that contain $I$. The asymptotic running time should be $O(\min(n,(k + 1) \log n))$ where $...
3 votes
1 answer

How to efficiently create balanced KD-Trees from a static set of points

From Wikipedia, KD-Trees: Alternative algorithms for building a balanced k-d tree presort the data prior to building the tree. They then maintain the order of the presort during tree construction ...
4 votes
2 answers

Optimal Binary Search Trees Knuth

Knuth, Donald E. (1971), "Optimum binary search trees", Acta Informatica 1 (1): 14–25,doi:10.1007/BF00264289 Please have a look at this paper, specifically page 18 in which he tries to prove his ...
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1 answer

Lookup complexity in B-trees [Database]

Given that: B = n/R blocks in the file 2d index records per block (blocking factor): 2d > R an extra block access from the index to the datafile I am not able ...
1 vote
3 answers

Finding the number of children of the predecessor node of a given node in a Binary Search Tree(BST)

I have some propositions regarding BSTs , please can someone confirm whether they are true or false: Question : 1.Suppose we have a node $n_1$ with a value $val_1$ i.e $n_1(val_1)$ 2.We wish ...
4 votes
1 answer

Improving a ranking system with "best rank"

I've implemented a ranking system (based on a score), using a Map<Player,Score> and an improved BST<Score, Set<Player>>. So now I can compute "rank of a player" in O(log(n))...
0 votes
0 answers

Sub-Grouping AVL tree based on nodes amount in O(log(n))

I need to find a way to split an AVL tree based on the amount of nodes in the tree, lets assume you get a number $k$ and if the number of nodes in the tree is multiplication of $k$ you need to find ...
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1 answer

Searching a hierarchy for progressive node criteria

In our organization we have various business units that organize their data in different ways. The folder structure can vary, but they abide by business unit practices when making backups etc. I am ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does a sorted sequence from in-order traversal imply a binary tree is a BST?

An in-order traversal of a binary search tree (BST) produces a sorted sequence. I wonder, if we perform an in-order traversal of a binary tree and obtain a sorted sequence, does that imply that the ...
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1 answer

BSTs with repeating keys

The problem is to count number of unique binary search trees with keys $a_1,a_2,...,a_n$, given that some of the keys are not unique. For example, $a$ could be 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 4. We could try an ...
5 votes
3 answers

Uniform-cost Search Problem

Suppose that we take an initial search problem and we add $c > 0$ to the costs on all edges. Will uniform-cost search return the same answer as in the initial search problem? Definitions: Uniform-...
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1 answer

Combining chunks on an infinite grid into regions

I am working on an floorplan application where I save elements on an infinite grid in a sparse manner. Specifically, I have the following Python class representing a sparse grid (basically a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Visualizing How of KD-tree Data Structure Splits Space

I am trying to understand how KD-tree works when we insert a node and how it splits the xy plane, please. Below $[5, 4]$ splits the xy-plane into left and right parts while $[2,6]$ splits it into top ...
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1 answer

Approximating the median of the complement of a set

Given an integer $n$ and a tree set $S$, I would like to find the approximate median $x$ of the integer set $T := \{i \in \mathbb N : i < n \wedge i \notin S\}$. There are no constraints to the ...
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0 answers

Expectimax Pruning

I found the following question in my book: For probabilistic games like backgammon, where there is a resource limit, the RB-Expectimax algorithm is used. Assume that it is known that the heuristic ...
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0 answers

Monte Carlo Tree Search for Robo Rally AI

I want to implement an AI capable of playing the game RoboRally ( using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). In RoboRally, there are 2-8 characters controlled by (...
1 vote
0 answers

Simplified Memory Bounded A*

I have been studying the SMA* algorithm and I am having trouble understanding the backup operation. Specifically, I don't understand why the f value of a child node should be the maximum of its own f ...
10 votes
5 answers

Can the pre-order traversal of two different trees be the same even though they are different?

This question pretty much explains that they can, but does not show any examples of there being two different trees with the same pre-order traversal. It is also mentioned that the in-order ...
1 vote
2 answers

More efficient way to parse array into binary search tree

Let's assume I have array which I need to parse into binary tree ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a faster alternative to Aho-Corasick when searching for any occurrence rather than all occurrences of each of the substrings?

Aho-Corasick can result in a quadratic number of matches because it finds all occurrences of each searched-for substring. What is a faster algorithm or modification to this one to simply determine if ...
1 vote
1 answer

Finding Optimal Configuration of Formula without trying every Permutation

I have a math problem I need to solve so I can complete an optimisation in a computer program. My initial approach was just to brute force all the possible permutations but it got out of hand quite ...
8 votes
1 answer

How many rotations after AVL insertion and deletion

Is it true that inserting an element to an AVL tree requires $O(1)$ rotations? How many rotations, does deletion from AVL require? I've searched for these two questions with no luck so far.
1 vote
1 answer

Randomly generated binary search trees case comparison

Although not an assignment, just out of curiosity; I am trying to compare a two cases A scenario where I pick a tree out of the set of possible binary search trees on the keys $1,2,\ldots,n$, with ...
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1 answer

Confusion about B-Tree

In a B-Tree, one of the rules is: Every node (except the root) is at least half full But then, in a 4-way B-Tree, we have the following case. Suppose we want to insert $10,20,30,40$ to the tree. After ...
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1 answer

Representing graph as a search tree

How do I convert a graph to a search tree? Here's the question- The problem is that I don't know how to represent interconnections in a graph on a tree. In the diagram A is connected to D, and same ...
3 votes
1 answer

Segment trees with insertion/deletion

I have a range-query problem to solve. This problem requires not only range queries and update, but also insert or delete an element of the array. There is a series of operations that must be done in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Estimating size of state space search problem

Im currently enrolled in an AI course and we are starting with state space search problems. My professor always seems to ask, given a certain problem, what is the estimate size of the state space? It'...
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4 answers

Would someone be able to explain why the Time Complexity here is O(b^d) instead of O(d(b^d))?

So I'm doing an AI course that is talking about time complexities of different tree search algorithms. On this slide it talks about the time complexity of the algorithm, and I'm confused as to why we ...
2 votes
1 answer

Rigorous distinction between search and optimization

I'm working my way through parts of Russell and Norvig's AIMA book for a class, and there's something I've never quite managed to wrap my head around. Chapters 3 and 4 contrast 'search' methods with '...
2 votes
0 answers

Efficient Implementation of join and split operations on semisplaying tree

Splaying trees are a heavily researched of theoretical computer science as they are conjectured to be optimal binary trees. They were first presented by Sleator & Tarjan in Self-Adjusting Binary ...
10 votes
4 answers

Don't understand one step for AVL tree height log n proof

I came across a proof that an AVL tree has $O(\log n)$ height and there's one step which I do not understand. Let $N_h$ represent the minimum number of nodes that can form an AVL tree of height $h$. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a hash-map implementation optimized to favor key lookups based on frequency (if key is referenced the most then it is searched first)?

I have started to play around with HTTP3 which relies on QUIC for transport. I have noticed that I very often have a finite number of Web Transport sessions stream data continuously along side burst-y ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to convert a Complete Binary Tree to a Priority Search Tree in O(n)?

I would like to know if there is a linear-time algorithm ($\mathcal{O(n)}$ time) to convert a Complete Binary Tree with data left-to-right increasing stored in external nodes, to a Priority Search ...
8 votes
7 answers

Are degree and order the same thing when referring to a B-Tree?

I know the term order of a B-tree. Recently I heard a new term: B tree with minimum degree of 2. We know that the degree is related to a node but what is the degree of a tree? Does degree impose any ...
2 votes
1 answer

(Algorithm required) How to determine if a point is in one of many rectangles

What I want to achive ist the following: I have a 2D plane and on this plane I will have a potentially large amount of rectangles (these are specified with 2 coordinates spanning it) Whats the most ...
2 votes
1 answer

How did the following derivation of the final weight of a weight-balanced search tree node after rotation to make it balanced occur?

I was reading section 3.2 of Advanced Data Structures by Peter Brass (which is about weight-balanced search trees) for self-study. I got stuck on a proof about rebalancing properties. $\alpha$ and $\...
1 vote
1 answer

what are good data structure algorithm for fast 3D coordinates search?

I want to form data structure for nearby neighbor search for 3D coordinates. What is the best way to do so?
0 votes
1 answer

Height of AVL Tree

I found an AVL tree implementation on the internet and experimented: For a tree with node count of 2^20, the minimal and maximal tree heights are 16 and 24. While these heights are lg(n)-ish, I am ...
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0 answers

2D segment tree query time complexity

These sources cp-algorithms and geeksforgeeks state that query complexity (for example, submatrix sum) of 2-D segment tree is O(logN * logM), because it first descends the tree in the first ...
2 votes
3 answers

How do I know which direction I should rotate a node in an AVL Tree?

I'm studying AVL Trees in my programming class and we got this exercise dealing with right, left, left-right and right-left rotations as a way to check if we understand the theoretical concept of AVL ...
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0 answers

Question about AVL properties

Assume that the oil company saves for each person that works in the company a record with its name, its salary, its age and its date of birth. You can assume that no two fields are identical for any ...
6 votes
2 answers

Can a Red Black tree be constructed of only black nodes using RB insert only?

I am trying to construct a red black tree out of only black nodes. I know it is possible getting it after some deletions but I am trying to construct one only via insertion orders. Is it possible? I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Understanding B tree key deletion step from CLRS algorithm

CLRS explains B tree key deletion as follows: If the key $k$ is in node $x$ and $x$ is a leaf, delete the key $k$ from $x$. If the key $k$ is in node $x$ and $x$ is an internal node, do the ...
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1 answer

What is the minimal degree $d$ required for a B tree with $44*10^6 $ keys so that it's height is less than or equal to $5$

What is the minimal degree $d$ required so a B - tree with $44*10^6$ keys will have a height $h$, such that $h\leq 5$ My attempt was to build the tallest tree possible with minimum degree $d$ and $n =...
1 vote
1 answer

Constructing a data structure supporting prioritized key lookup

so this is more or less a shot in the dark as I am feeling stuck. Maybe some of you have an idea which helps. Here is the problem description (pseudo formal): I want to have a structure $T = \{ \hat{...
0 votes
1 answer

Rank operation in search tree, number of nodes between 2 values

What kind of search tree should I use in which I will have operation Rank[x, y] which will return number of existing nodes/values between x and y in time O(depth of tree) so the operations find, ...
-1 votes
1 answer

A very simple question about Admissible Heurisitcs

Given admissible heuristics f(s), g(s), h(s). It is true that max(f(s), g(s), h(s)) is still admissible.. but is it still admissible if its max(f(s), g(s) + h(s)). I believe it is not admissible but I ...
3 votes
2 answers

Data structure for interval subset queries

I have a set $S$ of intervals. I'd like to store them in a data structure, so that I can handle the following query efficiently: given a query interval $q$, count the number of intervals $s \in S$ ...
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0 answers

Search algorithm for multidimensional space with custom topology

First, let's start with the description of the problem in dimension 1: Let $T_0$ be a space with $n$ nodes organized in a tree structure, with $m$ of those nodes defined as target nodes. In this space,...
0 votes
0 answers

Having trouble understanding Red-Black trees

Exam question: Draw the Red Black Tree that results from inserting the following values in the given order: [10, 20, 30, 4, 5, 50] Draw the red connections with a dotted line and the black ones with ...

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