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Questions tagged [sequential-circuit]

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Hoare triple: introducing Loop invariant and partial correctness

Hoare Triple formalizes program correctness, which contains postcondition, program and precondition such as $\vdash P \{Q\} R$ Provided code snippet: ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Meaning of pulse driven sequential logic?

I am trying to understand the meaning of this scheme, providing a sort of classification of sequential logic circuits. This taken from Does ...
Ste's user avatar
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Why does memory data isn't organized in two or more lines?

I understand that computer memory data is sequential; It is one long line organized in one or more address/es, each of which containing one or more fixed size word/s which contain raw data (in an ...
George's user avatar
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D flip flop : How does it work in depth

I'm coming to you today because I have some trouble to understand how works D flip flop in depth. Two weeks ago we started at school learning sequential logic and so register and everything that come ...
Sakeiru's user avatar
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How to make counters for irregular integral pattern?

I can easily make counter for consecutive numbers. But for patterns, described in below question, I'm quite unsure about my approach. Question - We want to design a synchronous counter that ...
Mr. Sigma.'s user avatar
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Single Input Single Output Sequential Circuit Explanation Required

I'm a student of Formal Methods in Software Engineering, I'm trying to study this question for two days but still haven't figured it out, I couldn't even find a similar solution or explanation, so ...
JJ.'s user avatar
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small size and small depth circuit for set intersections

Input: Given sets $S_i \subseteq \{1,2,3,4,\cdots,n\}$ for $1 \leq i \leq n$. Output: sets intersection with restriction (pick first set $S_1$. If $a \in S_1$ such that $a$ is the least element then ...
GOLD's user avatar
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circuit for finding the index of first zero entry in a binary string

finding the index of first zero entry in a binary string: Input: binary string ($0$'s and $1$'s) Output: index of first zero entry Can you give a circuit for finding the index of first zero entry ...
GOLD's user avatar
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What is the purpose of a single input, single output, bidirectional shift register?

(source: This is the sort of bidirectional shift register, I'm talking about. I understand why the normal right shift is useful, but when you shift it left, all you're really doing is sending ...
Physco111's user avatar
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D - Latch or D Flip Flop?

I have a diagram ( where it is either a D Latch or D Flip Flop. I am trying to figure out which one it is and why. If it is a D Flip Flip, I also need to know which ...
Alex Park's user avatar
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Stepping through a sequence of grouped logic gates

I'm performing a simulation of protein-protein interactions. I'm using Python to code logic gates as functions to model protein interactions. My model is basically a series of groups (...
Sebastian Hansen's user avatar
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Drawing Moore Finite State Machine Diagram

In an upcoming of an exam of 'Digital Techniques', we have to be able to design sequential circuits, and in particular we have to draw Moore FSM's when the equations for the output and next states are ...
limitIntegral314's user avatar
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Functional Unit and Micro-operations Schematics

I'm sitting an exam on Computer Architecture in a few days and i'm stuck on a particular type of question. I'm asked to: Provide a detailed schematic for a functional unti that implements the ...
matthiasgh's user avatar
8 votes
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What is the exact difference between a latch & a flipflop?

From what I have understood : A Flip Flop is a clocked latch i.e. flip flop = latch + clock Latch continuously checks for inputs & changes the output whenever there is a change in input Flip Flop ...
avi's user avatar
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Why S=1, R=1 Is forbidden in RS-Flip Flop [closed]

I have come across about RS Flip Flop & I have tried implementing that on a simulator & using actual logic gates. But I'm still not sure whether I have correctly understood the case unstable ...
Mohammed Fawzan's user avatar
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How to understand the SR Latch

I can't wrap my head around how the SR Latch works. Seemingly, you plug an input line from R, and another from S, and you are supposed to get results in $Q$ and $Q'$. However, both R and S require ...
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