Questions tagged [tiling]

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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Algorithms to generate random nowhere-neat rectangulation?

I want to generate random rectangular partition of a given $m*n$ rectangle under the constraint that it must be nowhere-neat partition. Nowhere-neat partition means that a dissection of a rectangle ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Packing rectangles to generate a sprite sheet

I am writing a sprite sheet generator tool in adobe AIR, and I have to force with the question: How to pack a collection of 2D rectangles to smallest possible 2D rectangle with power of two. (like ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
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Smarter recursion to compute #tilings of $m \times n$ board with small shapes that fit in $2 \times 2$ square?

This is a generalization of another question I posted because I wasn't clear that I cared about more than $2 \times 1$ dominoes (it's just a special case), and there is an explicit tractable formula ...
user2566092's user avatar
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NP-complete problems with aperiodic Wang tiles

Consider the problem of tiling a rectangular region with a given set of Wang tiles. It is well-known that this problem is NP-complete: every NP problem can be encoded as some form of tiling problem (...
user3521569's user avatar
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How to cover a surface with a predefined set of objects

I'm making a program that's supposed to be able to find pieces of wood in a dataset to cover a surface. For now I'm focusing on parallelepipedic shapes to simplify the problem (eventually I'd like it ...
Maxime Renault's user avatar
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Given a JPG of a wallpaper, how can I find the smallest section which contains the pattern?

I recently made the photo of tapestry, but I am not able to identify the smallest patch which contains the pattern. Now I wonder: How could I write a program that does so? A first step could be ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Algorithm to generate graph of specific known form

I am trying to generate a graph (the structure with edges and nodes), that as a structure like an Order-7 triangular tiling of specified diameter around a central node.
darkblue's user avatar
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