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Questions tagged [turing-recognizable]

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Is UNIQUE(N) Turing-recognizable?

Let N be a non-deterministic TM with Σ as its alphabet, and we define the next language: UNIQUE(N) = {w∈Σ*|w has an unique accepting path on N}. w can have another computational paths on M, but none ...
Dee's user avatar
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result of a union between a decidable language and not recognizable one - disjoint

I have two infinite languages, A and B, and they're disjoint. A is not Turing recognizable, and B is decidable. What's the result of their union? meaning, is it a decidable/recognizable/not ...
Dee's user avatar
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The number of words that M doesn't accept is finite

I need to show that the following language isn't Turing recognizable: $$\text{COFINITE}_{TM} = \{\langle M \rangle | M \text{ is a TM and } \overline{L(M)} \text{ is a finite language}\}$$ but I keep ...
Dee's user avatar
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set of words w such that M halts on w is decidable

I need to prove that the language following language is not turing-recognizable: $$\text{dec-haltTM} = \{ \langle M\rangle: \text{$M$ is a TM and the set of words that M halts on is decidable}\}$$ I ...
Dee's user avatar
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$L=\left \{ \left \langle M,D \right \rangle : M=TM\, ,\, D=DFA\, ,\, L(D)\neq \emptyset\, ,\, L(M)\subseteq L(D)\circ L(D) \right \}\notin RE$

$L=\left \{ \left \langle M,D \right \rangle : M\, is\, a\, TM\, ,\, D\, is\, a\, DFA\, ,\, L(D)\neq \emptyset\, ,\, L(M)\subseteq L(D)\circ L(D) \right \}$ $L\notin R$ which can be shown for example ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Rice theorem - $EQ_{TM}$

Could use some help understanding if Rice’s theorem applies to the following language: $𝐿 = \{\langle 𝑀\rangle \lvert M \text{ 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑇𝑀 𝑎𝑛𝑑 } 𝐿(𝑀) \subseteq 𝐸𝑄_{TM} \}$ (where $EQ_{TM} =\{...
user169627's user avatar
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Prove that the complement of the language L = { <T> : T is a Turing machine that runs in polynomial time } is not turing recognizable

To show that L is not Turing-recognizable, we can use a reduction from the complement of the ATM problem (ATM'). However, I'm not sure about how we would prove that the complement of L is not Turing-...
Jane's user avatar
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If a language L over a finite alphabet A has both a subset and superset that are Turing-recognizable, does this make L Turing-Recognizable too?

"Let A be a finite alphabet, and let L1 and L2 be two Turing-recognisable languages over A such that L1 is a proper subset of L2, i.e. L1 ⊂ L2 but L1 ≠ L2. Let a language L over the alphabet A ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to write a turing machine program for any given problem?

I'm learning about Turing machine program,i want to know how we write a Turing machine program about any given problem, like a string is accepted by Turing machine, program (for a Single Tape Turing ...
Muhammad Zulqarnain Malik's user avatar
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Multitape Turing Machine to accept power of 2 length 0's string?

I have been trying to find a multitape Turing Machine in order to accept a input string which consists on 0's and whose length is a power of 2: However, Im getting troubble finding it, because I dont ...
Javier's user avatar
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Is explicitly explaining the case where the Turing Machine loops forever essential to proving reducibility?

I am asking this in the context of the following question: Let N be a non-deterministic Turing Machine. We say that N faces a dilemma if at some point in its working, it encounters a situation where ...
Aditya 's user avatar
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If A U B and A ∩ B are recognizable, then is one of A, A', B, B' also recognizable?

I know that if decidability of $A \cap B$ and $A \cup B$ doesn’t guarantee the decidability of any of $A$ or $B$. We can prove that: ATM is not decidable. Since decidable languages are closed under ...
Luis Ramirez's user avatar
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Can an unreocognizable language be Turing-reducible to a recognizable language?

Suppose $L_1\preccurlyeq_T L_2$, and $L_1$ is unrecognizable, can $L_2$ be recognizable? With decidability, if $L_1$ is undecidable, then $L_2$ is undecidable, because $L_1$ is the “easier” question. ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Is there any example of a Turing-recognizable language mapping reducible to a NOT Turing-recognizable language?

Theorem: "If A is mapping reducible to B and B is recognizable, then A is recognizable." I know that the following statement is FALSE. "If A is mapping reducible to B and A is ...
Dilfira Kudrat's user avatar
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Reduction from a language with unknown decidability to HALT

We were taught to use reductions in order to show that a given L is undecidable. My question is, given some definition of a new L, is there a way to find a reduction $$ L\leq_mHALT $$ So that I can ...
John's user avatar
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Proving that $Prefix(L)$ is recursively enumerable

Given a language $L$ that is recursive prove that $Prefix(L) = \{ x \ | \ xv \in L\}$ is recursively enumerable. My first attempt at this was to try and formulate an algorithm in pseudocode. ...
RookieCookie's user avatar
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turing recognisable = complement of co-recognisable

Define: RE = {L : L is recognizable by a TM}, R = {L : L is decidable by a TM}, and coRE = {L : L-complement is recognizable by a TM}. The question is: Does the complement of coRE equal RE? I know ...
Mika Li's user avatar
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is this lanuage or it' complement not Turing-recognisable

K = {<J, a, b, c> : J is a Java program, a, b, and c are integer variables declared in J, and throughout the execution of J, a never has the same value as b and a never has the same value as c}. ...
AAAAA5555555's user avatar
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Proving a language is recursively enumerable

Prove that the following language is recursively enumerable: L = {<M,x> | Turing machine M enters the same configuration twice on input x} I have tried to construct a TM that maintains the ...
revision's user avatar
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Simple, intuitive example of non recursively enumerable languages

This question is a bit of a shot in the dark. I am asking here, though I am not convinced that such an example exists. I'd like a quick, highly intuitive example that I can throw out to my students ...
Ben I.'s user avatar
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Prove that the language L = { <T> : T is a Turing machine that runs in polynomial time } is not Turing-recognizeable

By "$T$ runs in polynomial time", I mean that $T$ halts for every input of length $n$ in $O(n^k)$ steps for some $k$. By Turing-recognizable, I mean that there exists a Turing machine that ...
jcora's user avatar
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Is this language recognizable or unrecognizable

Let L = { y = {0,1}* | y = code(M) for some Turing Machine M and M halts on no input} How can I prove whether this language recognizable or unrecognizable?
Sam333's user avatar
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EPSILON(CFG) = {<G,H> | G and H are CFGs where the concatenation is epsilon. is this language Turing-recognizable?

It is given that the language is not decidable. Is this language Turing-recognizable?
Tomer Mor's user avatar
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If a language is undecidable, then its complementary language must also be undecidable?

Reference from here If a Language is Non-Recognizable then what about its complement? There exist complementary languages of unrecognizable languages that are recognizable, and there exist ...
lz9866's user avatar
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Unrecognizable languages must be undecidable?

A decidable language must be recognizable. Unrecognizable languages must be undecidable? I want to know more about the relation of undecidability and unrecognizability
lz9866's user avatar
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If the complementary language of an recognizable language is a non-recognizable language, is the recognizable language a non-decidable language?

The complementary language of a recognizable undecidable language is not recognizable. If the complementary language of an recognizable language is a non-recognizable language, is the recognizable ...
lz9866's user avatar
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If $B \in RE$ then $A \in RE$ - Reduction

I know that if there is a Turing Reduction from $A$ to $B$, say $A \le_T B$, and $B \in R$ then $A \in R$. I also know that Turing Reduction is for Decision, and not Recognition. Is it possible to ...
Geo's user avatar
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L is a recognizable undecidable language ,M is a Turing machine that recognizes L, does M reject or infinitely loop for s belonging to L-complement?

If $L$ is a decidable language, $M$ is a Turing machine that determines $L$. For $\forall s \in L$, M accepts, and for $\forall s \in \overline{L}$, M rejects However, my question is that If $L$ is a ...
lz9866's user avatar
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What is wrong with this proof that shows every language over $\Sigma=\{0, 1\}$ is recognizable?

In the following let $\Sigma=\{0, 1\}$. I'll prove that every language over $\Sigma$ is recognizable. Let $L\subseteq\Sigma^*$. Let $w_1,w_2,\ldots$ be the list of words in $L$. For every $i=1,2,\...
sockaddr's user avatar
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Languages and Turing Machine

Since strings are finite by definition, then it follows that languages are enumerable because they are finite string sets and we know that finite string sets are enumerable. Turing Machines are ...
StudentDegree's user avatar
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Is the union of a Turing-recognisable language and a Turing-decidable language Turing decidable? Is it recognisable?

I was studying Turing languages for an exam and I came up with this problem for wich I haven't found a solution online. This is my question: Let's say we have $L_1, L_2 \subseteq\{0,1\}^*$. $L_1$ is ...
Pietro's user avatar
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If A is Turing-reducible to B and B is Turing recognizable then A is Turing recognizable

I believe this is true and I have given a simple proof of this: If A is Turing-reducible to B then there exists a Turing machine with oracle for B that decides A, because B is Turing-recognizable then ...
DRE's user avatar
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A finite language of chains is TM decidable? [duplicate]

In class we were talking about the decidability and acceptability of languages by Turing Machines but a doubt arose in my mind, "is any language containing a finite number of strings decidable by ...
Miguel JV's user avatar
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What are some examples of non-enumerable languages whose complement isn't either?

What are some examples of non-enumerable languages whose complement isn't either? I.e., a language L such that L is not Turning-recognizable and L’ is not Turing-recognizable either. Update: Found ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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How to show that language is Turing-recognizable and Turing-decidable?

How do I being to show that if $L_{1}$ is Turing-recognizable language over $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$, then $L_{2} = \{ww^R | w ∈ L_{1} \}$ is a Turing recognizable language too. There is another similar ...
bireugit's user avatar
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Reduce instances of a-Turing-machine-does-not-accept-a-string to Turing machines that accept the empty string

I am struggling with a mapping reduction that I think cannot be correct, but I'm not able to say exactly what's the problem. Let $L_{u}= \{\langle M,w\rangle \mid M\text{ accept }w\}$, $\overline{L_{u}...
PedrV's user avatar
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Turing recognizability and Reduction Mapping on pairs of related Turing machines

I am interested in computation and I am lost on undecidability and reductions. I have the following two problems I am stuck on. Let us call 2 Turing machines related if there is an input $w$ on which ...
paulMarty 's user avatar
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Is complement of equality problem of Turing machines Turing-recognizable?

Complement of equality problem of Turing machines is unrecognizable or not-recognizable but How? As per my knowledge it is recognizable if you can decide its accept condition but not reject condition ...
sadia's user avatar
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How to show that a function is not computable? How to show a language is not computably enumerable?

I know that there exists a Turing Machine, if a function is computable. Then how to show that the function is not computable or there aren't any Turing Machine for that. Is there anything like a ...
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