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Minimum number of vertices in a tree with pathwidth $h$?

Let $\mathcal{T}_h$ be the set of trees with pathwidth $h$. What is the minimum,$|V(T)|$ over all $T \in \mathcal{T}_h$. I'm guessing this is a fairly easy question. We know that a complete binary ...
Harry Vinall-Smeeth's user avatar
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Regex for $L = \{ w \mid w \in \Sigma^* \text{ and each substring } u \text{ of } w \text{ where } |u| = 4 \text{ contains the character } 0 \}$

The question asks to write a regex to the following language $L$ above $\Sigma = \left \{0,1 \right \}$. $L = \{ w \mid w \in \Sigma^* \text{ and each substring } u \text{ of } w \text{ where } |u| = ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Algorithm to "reverse" search/match pairs from results

Sorry, I don't know how to title it clearly. There is a game, where players can send their units to attack another player's units (weeell, there is a lot of games like that). Each unit has some value. ...
herhor67's user avatar
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NFA for a regular expression without $\epsilon$-transitions

I think I know how to convert a regular expression to NFA without requiring epsilon transitions, but I'm not sure if I'm right (I'm just using common sense to be honest, no particular algorithm in my ...
Acad's user avatar
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how to 3d render with only drawing pixels

I have been trying to find ways to display a 3d scene on a screen (specifically 480x240px Vex robotics brain). The only ways that I can draw to the screen is with drawing individual pixels or with ...
RBLX Reid's user avatar
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Calculating sequence of $\lambda$ returns

I am having some trouble with answering the following question: A rat is involved in an experiment. It experiences one episode. At the first step it hears a bell. At the second step it sees a light. ...
Nat's user avatar
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Given my restriction is deciding, if a set $B$ with duplicates exists that sums up to a set $A$ of distinct whole numbers NP-complete? [closed]

Given a set $A$ $=$ {$2,3,...$}, is there an arbitrary set $B$ constructed with an arbitrary number of duplicate elements from $A$, where $\sum_{x \in A} x \neq \sum_{y \in B} y$ ? In other words ...
The T's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to represent BFS and DFS between adjacency matrix and list?

I'm trying to figure out how to best represent BFS (Breadth First Search) and DFS (Depth First Search) on a graph, specifically between being represented as an adjacency matrix and an adjacency list. ...
MotherHorse's user avatar
-1 votes
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How are max flow problems solved when there is an additional constraint?

This is the question: Smart Car is expanding, and now has a subsidiary named Smart Airlines which is experimenting with self-flying plane. Smart Airlines wants to schedule flights on their ...
Pratyush Panda's user avatar
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Is there a delay between two commands to read data from RAM?

Everyone knows that the speed of the CPU is many times faster than the speed of RAM, whereas in this case the processor executes two read or write commands in memory running in a row? As I assume, due ...
Slaycapь's user avatar
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Merge two sorted arrays and find median in O(n+m) using divide and conquer

I have two sorted arrays and I have to return the median of both in O(n+m) for an exercice my teacher gave, using divide and conquer. I did the code below, which works, but is on ...
Catarina Nogueira's user avatar
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Shortest path in a graph where edge weights can vary dynamically based on the path taken [duplicate]

I have a directed acyclic graph whith negative edges where edge weights can vary dynamically based on the path taken. ...
user1552545's user avatar
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Size of circuit generating the solutions of a SAT problem

We have a satisfiable CNF formula $F$ which maps $\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}$. Let us call $S\in \{0,1\}^n$ the set of inputs that satisfy $F$, i.e. $F(s)=1 \, \forall s\in S$. There is a circuit $C$ with $...
Doriano Brogioli's user avatar
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Eliminating left recursive nonterminals without adding $\epsilon$-productions

I have been reading the book "Compiler Construction" written by William M. Waite and Gerhard Goos. I found a statement in the chapter "5.3.2. Top-Down Analysis and LL(k) Grammars" ...
user42768's user avatar
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DFS (Depth-first search) vs BFS (Breadth-first search) Space Optimizations

Problem I am currently digging deep into some optimizations on the classical iterative approaches to both DFS and BFS algorithms. The material I'm currently using at my University presents both ...
Michel H's user avatar
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Byte addressing and alignment

With byte addressing, the CPU can access a single byte. But how does this access happen during alignment? As I understand it, if a CPU needs to read an unaligned byte, it reads the word starting from ...
Slaycapь's user avatar
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Complexity of algorithm waiting $e^{n}$ seconds

A dumb question in complexity theory. Let's consider an algorithm that solves the following problem: is $e^{n}$ time passed? ...
student's user avatar
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Can remainder mod 2 be efficiently computed from addition and equality?

Suppose I have a programming language all of whose variables have natural number type. (So I cannot form higher-type objects, e.g., lists or trees, of natural numbers.) The only atomic commands I am ...
Siddharth's user avatar
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Finding a common variable value among all SAT solutions

Let $F$ be a boolean formula on $n$ variables $x_1, \cdots, x_n$. $\textbf{SAT}(F)$ asks whether there exists an assignment of truth values to variables under which $F$ is true. I'm curious about ...
csaltachin's user avatar
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Show that $PLANAR \in co-NP \cap NP$

The fact that the language of planar graphs is in $co-NP$ is easy to show because the complexity of finding a Kuratowski subgraph is $O(|V|)$. But what about $NP$? Any help is appreciated.
Dave the Sid's user avatar
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If $P=NP$, then $LCP \in P$

I want to prove that if we assume $P=NP$, then we can find the longest cycle (maximal number of vertices, no repeated edges, only repeated vertex is the starting one) in an undirected graph in ...
Dave the Sid's user avatar
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Understanding Variable Quantification in Toda's Theorem Part 1

In my attempt to understand the intricacies of Toda's Theorem, I am focusing on the first part of the proof, which establishes a randomized reduction from quantified Boolean formulas (which represent ...
user4569455's user avatar
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Variant of Generalized-Geography problem

Consider the "Generalized Geography" game: on directed graph G with selected start vertex, players take turns moving along edges, without ever going back to previously visited vertices. ...
Anuj's user avatar
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Algorithm for creating an esports season schedule

I run an esports league for my Boys & Girls Club and others that want to participate. I'm trying to find a way to take information about when different teams are available to compete and use that ...
malsatori's user avatar
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If a language L over a finite alphabet A has both a subset and superset that are Turing-recognizable, does this make L Turing-Recognizable too?

"Let A be a finite alphabet, and let L1 and L2 be two Turing-recognisable languages over A such that L1 is a proper subset of L2, i.e. L1 ⊂ L2 but L1 ≠ L2. Let a language L over the alphabet A ...
Theo's user avatar
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Greedy solution for minimum weight where all tasks are allocated

I'm trying to solve exercise 13 from Chapter 04 of Algorithms Design (Eva Tardos) books. The problem is the following: The way I solved: was to have a greedy solution, where I always choose, for an i,...
Catarina Nogueira's user avatar
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Intuition for Using Greedy Approach in Container with Most Water Problem

Link to leetcode problem: if we consider this solution:
penguin365's user avatar
3 votes
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"Small" formulas for boolean functions

Theorem 10 in the following document: states that every boolean function $f:\{0, 1\}^n\rightarrow \{0, 1\}$ has formula complexity $O(...
hello_123's user avatar
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2 answers

Parse Tree simple example

Consider the grammar G: S ➝ A | B A ➝ aB | b | c B ➝ bA | a | ε Which of the following strings has two parse trees according to G? ba bb ab none of the choice aa ...
tmhs's user avatar
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Prove P/poly = BPP/poly

To prove the equivalence, we have to show that P/poly $\subseteq$ BPP/poly and BPP/poly $\subseteq$ P/poly thus P/poly = BPP/poly. Since BPP $\subseteq$ P/poly. My thinking is, we can also add poly to ...
rock_lee's user avatar
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Are there known super-exponential problems?

Can you point a particular problem, all algorithms solving which are of a super-exponential time-complexity? I know that super-exponential problems exist, but is this a theorem of existence, or can a ...
porton's user avatar
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Is super-exponential complexity useful in practice?

Exponential time-complexity has a useful application in "practical" CS: NP-problems, NP-complete problems. Knowledge about this obviously helps in everyday programming. Can you give an ...
porton's user avatar
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Conway's Game of Life to expand QR code

If you use a QR code as a seed for Conway's Game of Life, and have information for A) How many steps you should run it for, and B) The size of the new square (where to put the border after you are ...
Grant Bowers's user avatar
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Context Free Grammar: How to infer FIRST()

We are given the grammar rules $A \to F B E$ $B\to A C$ These rules are only some of the rules of a larger grammar $G$, but we are not given the remaining rules of $G$. We are told that $A$ is ...
tmhs's user avatar
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In what sense do universes solve the problem of not having type $\Pi_{A:\text{Type}}B(A)$?

One motivation for introducing universes, as I see it, is that without universes, we cannot construct types like $\Pi_{A:\text{Type}}B(A)$ because they would require us to have $\Gamma.\text{Type}\...
user125234's user avatar
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Why is naive primality test not polynomial, while graph traversal is?

I am reading Sipser's Introduction to the Theory of Computation, and have trouble understanding the difference between polynomial and non-polynomial problems. When describing a PATH problem, where ...
Fernando's user avatar
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Tree node indexing

I'd appreciate any solutions, ideas, or pointers to relevant literature. I'm attempting to design a system with nodes (representing the state of some tasks) organised in a tree structure. I'd like to ...
user22476690's user avatar
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Dependent Types in $\lambda P$ vs MLTT

I am trying to understand the difference between $\lambda P$ and MLT, in particular the dependent type features. What is the difference between dependent types in $\lambda P$ and dependent types in ...
IllogicalUser's user avatar
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Why modified PC algorithm (searching for Bayesian structure) "in practice only considers a small subset of separating sets"?

I'll state how the text I'm reading describes PC algorithm. This algorithm [9] starts with a fully connected graph and, on the basis of pairwise independence tests, it iteratively removes all the ...
MathematicsBeginner's user avatar
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Methods to tell the length of data?

What methods are there for telling a computer how long a set of data is? Here are the methods I know of: Directly telling the computer where the data begins and ends, most often with {} or (). Having ...
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How to verify the correctness of a voxel based algorithm?

Currently, I have implemented an algorithm for voxelization of triangular meshes. How can I test if this algorithm can correctly convert triangular meshes to voxels? My current idea is to create a ...
Stove Fire's user avatar
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Set partitions and integer partitions

Consider an algorithm that takes the input a finite set $X$ and an integer partition $\sum_{i=1}^k n_i=|X|$ and gives output all the set partitions $\left(S_1,\ldots, S_k\right)$ of $S$ satisfying $|...
rr314's user avatar
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A context-sensite grammar for the language of sequences of two different types of parentheses with possible intersections?

Consider the language $L$ over the alphabet (,[,),] such that any word $w \in L$ if formed as a shuffle of two (possible empty) well-formed sequence of parenthesis: one over (,) and another over [,]. ...
kerzol's user avatar
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Adding type constructors to universes

Suppse we have a Tarski-style universe $U$, which means, in particular, that the following rules are declared: $$\frac{}{\Gamma \vdash U \text{ type}} \quad \frac{\Gamma \vdash a:U}{\Gamma \vdash \...
user125234's user avatar
-1 votes
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P with oracle to P is equal to P

How we can prove that P = P with P oracle Can we use this claim: if we have O in P then P with O oracle is in P and the proof for this claim is the following Allowing an oracle can only help compute ...
Rania Djeridi's user avatar
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Kernelization For Odd Cycle Transversal Problem on Perfect Graphs

This problem appears as exercise 2.33 in (page 48). A perfect graph $G$ is bipartite if and only if it contains no triangle graphs. ...
Yavuz Bozkurt's user avatar
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Relation between running time of Insertion sort and number of inversions

What is the relationship between the running time of insertion sort and the number of inversions in the input array? Justify your answer. Consider Insertion sort ...
Omkar's user avatar
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Proof that strong AI exists?

If turing machines are capable of simulating physics, then they should be able to simulate a human brain. Isn't that enough to prove the existence of strong AI?
JobHunter69's user avatar
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Is this Deterministic Unranked Root-To-Leaf Binary Tree Automata?

I believe I have a definition of deterministic root-to-leaf tree automata in the unranked binary case, and would like to check that I have this definition correct. I would also appreciate any sources ...
TomKern's user avatar
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Closed form solution of T(n) = 5T(n−1) + n^2, to T(1) = 7

How to find the closed form solution of this equation? T(n) = 5T(n−1) + n^2, to T(1) = 7
Linx Silva's user avatar

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