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Why does problem F belong to PSPACE?

In the following graph, each node represents a computational problem. An arrow like A -> F indicates that there is a polynomial time Karp reduction from A to F. Observe that there could be more ...
PredaWnia's user avatar
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Smallest sum not obtainable using a subset of elements in array greater than the minimum element

I am solving a variation of the missing coin sum problem, modified to be as follows: You have n coins with positive integer values. What is the smallest sum greater than the minimum coin in the array ...
Arnav Borborah's user avatar
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Is this LTL formula really valid?

Fp → (¬p U p) What if I have a transition system in which p is always true? Then Fp would be valid but not (¬p U p), right? This formula is claimed to be valid in my study litterature, what have I ...
Anders Olofsson's user avatar
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Can a universal worst case problem instance exist?

Given a specific type of problem like sorting a list and a particular algorithm like insertion sort, I am aware that a particular instance of the problem is worst case complexity for the algorithm (i....
NotAGroupTheorist's user avatar
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prove AP-SUM is NP-complete

EDIT: I had a translation error. Instead of "unuary", it's binary. AP-SUM is the language defined in the following way: A word in the language AP-SUM is a pair <S, t>, so that S is a ...
Dee's user avatar
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Why do computers use binary numbers in IEEE754 fraction instead of BCD or DPD?

I asked a new question because it more accurately reflects what I asked: about:Why don't decimal-floating-point numbers have CPU level support like float point numbers in usual computers? I will ...
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Complete language in P∪{C,D}

given: C is a NP-coNP language, D is a coNP-NP language and P is the known time-complexity class. assumption: NP ≠ coNP. I need to determine if exists a language B, such that: a. B ∈ P∪{C, D}. b. for ...
Dee's user avatar
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The number of words that M doesn't accept is finite

I need to show that the following language isn't Turing recognizable: $$\text{COFINITE}_{TM} = \{\langle M \rangle | M \text{ is a TM and } \overline{L(M)} \text{ is a finite language}\}$$ but I keep ...
Dee's user avatar
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Calculating the Maximum Speedup for a Program with Sequential and Parallel Components

A program $P$ consists of two methods: one sequential, which takes $ n + 15050 $ seconds to execute, and another that can be parallelized with full efficiency, taking $\frac{n^2}{100p}$ seconds, where ...
2019's user avatar
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Minimum number of oracle call to solve Simon problem by a (NDTM) non-deterministic Turing machine?

Simon's problem is a computational problem used to demonstrate an oracle separation between BQP and BPP classes. It is known that the minimum number of oracle calls to be made by the BQP machine is $\...
108_mk's user avatar
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Variant of the k-MST problem on directed graphs?

Consider a weighted directed graph G and a special node $u$ in $G$. Are there any complexity results and algorithms on finding a minimum-weight directed acyclic subgraph $S^*$ of $G$ that contains $u$ ...
alcatraz's user avatar
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Creating a matrix that its ij element is the number of times an ij element of a second matrix is larger than the elements of a third matrix

I have two n-by-m matrixes $M1$ and $M2$. I want to create a new n-by-m matrix $M3$ such that the $ij$ element is $M3_{ij} = \sum_k \sum _l 1(M1_{ij} > M2_{kl})$. Is there a way to do it without ...
Muly's user avatar
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set of words w such that M halts on w is decidable

I need to prove that the language following language is not turing-recognizable: $$\text{dec-haltTM} = \{ \langle M\rangle: \text{$M$ is a TM and the set of words that M halts on is decidable}\}$$ I ...
Dee's user avatar
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Regarding finding if recurrence is linear or not

The question is to check if the given recursion tree is linear or not. I was able to find check if the recursion of the options above g using recursion tree method, but I am unable to check for the ...
Aadilrino's user avatar
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Unusual language in NP

Under the assumptions $\text{NP} \neq \text{coNP}$ and $\text{P}\neq\text{NP}\cap \text{coNP}$, we need to prove that there is a language $L$ that satisfies the following: $L\notin \text{P}$. $L\in \...
Dee's user avatar
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Why does it satisfy the definition of a subgradient vector in a flow network problem

Hello everyone, I need to clarify some doubts. I was reading the article 'Subgradient Optimization Methods in Integer Programming with an Application to a Radiation Therapy Problem.' This is my first ...
E남자's user avatar
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What is the connection between a regular language's pumping number, and the number of states of an equivalent deterministic automaton?

I am self-studying Automata and Formal Languages from a set of past lecture notes, and I have a question about the proof of the Regular Pumping Lemma. The proof defines $D$ to be a deterministic ...
I have Your Clock's user avatar
-2 votes
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How could "the mind" be uncomputable if it's due to neurons processing information?

This is going to be a very naïve question: Some biologists, physicists and computer scientists say that what our brain does (generally speaking "the mind", including our thoughts, our ...
vengaq's user avatar
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How to show $NP^{BQP} = QMA$?

I am currently reading the below document authored by @Lieuwe Vinkhuijzen. In equation 2.1 (page 14 of this), the below equation is mentioned. $${\Sigma}_1^{BQP} =NP^{BQP}= QMA$$ $NP$, $BQP$, and $QMA$...
108_mk's user avatar
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How does the Goldreich-Levin Theorem imply the existence of secure pseudorandom generators?

I am reading the text "Computational Complexity, A Modern Approach". On pg183 it is explained how the Goldreich-Levin theorem implies the existence of a secure pseudorandom generator. The ...
Quackalot's user avatar
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Optimally sampling edge weights on a graph

I am working on some network problems where we do not know the underlying edge weights on the network precisely. All we know is that for a (directed) edge $(u,v)$ in the network, the weight $w(u,v) \...
alcatraz's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to translate a virtual address to physical?

I have encountered the following question in an exam. I've checked all the lessons and notes there are of this class and I've found nothing. Question: In a paginated memory management scheme we have ...
Jim's user avatar
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Detecting/removing thin sections of polygons

Given a non-self-intersecting polygon made of straight segments how do you detect/trim sections of the polygon that are "thin"? If an algorithm exists for this, then great! If not, then... ...
Christopher Pratt's user avatar
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Balancing players into two teams

I'm trying to find an algorithm which would arrange ranked players into 2 teams automatically before the game starts in a balanced way. The game has 2 teams, each team can have up to 5 players, and ...
lateo's user avatar
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Escaping the cycle: Route planning in graphs with conditional edges

Given a directed graph $G(V, E)$, I want to find a route, $R \in E^*$ from $S$ to $T$ for $S,T \in V$. If $G$ includes a cycle, how can I find a route that includes $n$ iterations of the cycle before ...
Fifteen12's user avatar
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Give a class of languages which is closed under intersection and union, but not under complement

I am pondering this question, it is posed early on in a course on Formal languages and Automata, but before much progress has been made on closure of Regular and Context Free languages under ...
I have Your Clock's user avatar
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What's the proper name for combinator λ x . λ y . x (x) = S(S(K(S))(K))(K)

What is the proper name for combinator $$λ x . λ y . x (x) = S(S(K(S))(K))(K) \text { ?}$$ I call it dbl and I noticed that it's half a quine. But I would like to ...
Dallaylaen's user avatar
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Construction of a polynomial time algorithm

We are currently learning derandomization, which aims to transfer a probabilistic proof into a deterministic algorithm. My problem is as follows. Given $n$, constructs in time polynomial in $n$, a ...
Zeta's user avatar
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What role does the lower bound play in the statement of Savitch's Theorem?

Savitch's Theorem states that $\text{NSPACE}\left(f\left(n\right)\right) \subseteq \text{DSPACE}\left(\left(f\left(n\right)\right)^2\right)$ for any function $f\in \Omega (\log(n))$. I don't ...
Katelyn Hooper's user avatar
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Which restrictions of SMT problems are decidable and what is their complexity?

We can easily create a SAT solver that is guaranteed to halt with "SAT" or "Unsat", by simply enumerating all possible solutions. Afaik, SOTA SAT solvers like ...
user56834's user avatar
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Proving Non-Semi-Decidability of Language L - Seeking Reduction Strategy

I'm working on a problem involving the language 𝐿 = { 𝑤 ∣ time𝑀𝑤 ( 𝑥 ) ≤ ∣ 𝑥 ∣ + 1 for all words  𝑥 }. The language consists of words 𝑤 where the Turing machine 𝑀𝑤 halts within ∣ 𝑥 ∣ + 1 ...
xRubiks's user avatar
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Complexity of checking validity of downscaled game of life

This is a question I thought up. I'm quite confident the answer is NO, but I'm not sure how to show it, and I'm wondering if this is known. Imagine you are given a video of a 2k by 2k grid of bounded ...
hmmmmmmm's user avatar
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Find a basis of a vector space minimizing the numbers of nonzero coordinates for a bunch of vectors

I've got a (to be a bit specific) 84-dimensional rational vector space, and as many as 1197 vectors in it. In the basis of the space that I've got, numbers of nonzero coordinates for these vectors ...
2 votes
1 answer

Complexity of deciding if a DFA is counter-free

It is well-known that deciding whether an NFA or a regular expression define a counter-free/star-free language is PSPACE-complete. Does the problem become easier if I have a DFA as input? What's the ...
Nicola Gigante's user avatar
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Can this Integer Linear Programming problem be solved in polynomial time?

I have $n$ binary variables, and $m$ constraints. Each constraint can be stated as: "exactly $b$ of the variables in $S$ are equal to 1", for some positive integer $b$ and subset of the ...
demyutin's user avatar
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Is `f.splitting_field()` a one-way function candidate?

Is computing the splitting field of a polynomial a candidate for a one-way function? Let $K$ be a number field and $f, g \in K[x]$. Let L_f = f.splitting_field() ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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What is the computational complexity of finding the splitting field of a polynomial?

Suppose $K$ is a number field and $f \in K[x]$ is irreducible. What is the computational complexity of computing f.splitting_field()? I'm also interested in the ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Recurrence relation simplification

I have initial condition $𝑛_1=2, 𝑣_1=1$, and the given recurrence relations: $𝑛_{𝑖+1}=2𝑛_𝑖,$ $𝑣_{𝑖+1}=2𝑣_𝑖+\frac{1}{2} 𝑛_𝑖$ I need to show that that, $v_i=\Theta(n_i\log⁡ n_i).$ I observe ...
Forest's user avatar
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Generalizations of integer-programming for the polynomial hierarchy?

Integer programming is known to be NP-complete. We also know that each class in the polynomial hierarchy contains elements not contained in the ones below, so Integer programming is not complete for ...
user56834's user avatar
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Help with writing an algorithm

I'm not sure if this question fits the forum, and I should mention that I'm not a computer scientist at all—just a regular normal boy with very little coding knowledge. But I wanted to ask if it's ...
Henry FD's user avatar
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How to Prove following Weighted Forest Problem is NP-hard?

I am studying the following Weighted Forest Problem, which is an optimization problem in graph theory focused on finding optimal forest structures in robust scenarios. The problem is defined as ...
Toyllo's user avatar
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How to make a NAND gate with vaccum tubes?

We all know the NAND gate with mosfets. However, a lot of history of computers is unknown. Can you please let me know a diagram of a NAND gate with mosfets how is it made with vacuum tubes or a ...
Dr. Harish Ravi's user avatar
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NP-Hardness: Finding the Best Subtree for Hierarchical Matching in Elasticsearch

Given a graph G = (V, E) (a forest) stored in Elasticsearch and a set of requests R, where each request r in R can potentially match between 0 and V vertices in G, the task is to identify the "...
Or Kedmi's user avatar
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How does the RETE algorithm for expert production systems work?

I struggle with the understanding of this algorithm. Is there anybody willing to explain me how the tree is built in RETE and how it helps with concrete inputs?
BanikPyco's user avatar
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How to simplify $O(\log (n!))$?

I have a problem with this time complexity: $\log (n!)+\frac{5}{2}n\log\log n$. I'm not sure how to deal with the $n!$ term. I know from calculus class that the sequence $n!$ is bigger than any ...
Crash's user avatar
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Solving the "Reverse" Assignment Problem with an Added Constraint?

Note: This is a continuation of my previous question, found here As written, my previous question was too unconstrained: @BaderAbuRadi showed that depending on the $C$ chosen, there can be multiple ...
DarkRise's user avatar
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Is it possible to start a Dijkstra search from a source node s, bounded at r, with a non-empty distance map and priority queue?

TL:DR: I want to know whether correctness is affected if I start Dijkstra with a distances map that already contains shortest paths shorter than $r$ and a priority queue initialised with those ...
maitrehihois's user avatar
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Find the number of sink nodes per source node efficiently

My task is to write a function that, given a source nodes of a graph, returns the number of sink nodes (nodes with no outgoing edges) it reaches. The only access I have is to retrieve the neighbors of ...
Amit Dahan's user avatar
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Shortest path to all nodes from a center point, repeats allowed

I'm trying to create an algorithm to figure out a path visiting every single node in a graph (undirected and unweighted) - similar to the traveling salesman problem, but I can visit a node multiple ...
FishNotFosh's user avatar
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How to enumerate theories logically equivalent to natural deduction?

Natural deduction seems to generally be structured around the idea of (an/) introduction and elimination rules(s) for each logical symbol. I heard that that was an attempt to capture the way humans ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar

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