For all uniform classes $\operatorname{UF}$, for essentially any non-uniform class $\operatorname{NU}$, one will <br> have $\: \operatorname{NU} \not\subseteq \operatorname{UF} \:$, $\:$ since $\operatorname{NU}$ should be uncountable and $\operatorname{UF}$ is countable. <br> ("Proof:" $\;\;\;$ By any reasonable definition of being uniform, for a language to be in $\operatorname{UF}$ <br> there must be something in a particular at-most-countable set of things such that the <br> thing determines the language, so there are at most countably many languages in $\operatorname{UF}$. <br> On the other hand, for each subset $S$ of $\:\{\hspace{-0.03 in}0,\hspace{-0.05 in}1,\hspace{-0.03 in}2,\hspace{-0.03 in}3,...\hspace{-0.04 in}\}\:$,$\:$ the definition of $\operatorname{NU}$ should <br> mean that [the language consisting of exactly the strings whose length is in $S\hspace{.02 in}$] is in $\operatorname{NU}$. <br> In that case, since those languages are all different, $\operatorname{UF}$ will be uncountable. <br> "Therefore," one will have $\: \operatorname{NU} \not\subseteq \operatorname{UF} \;$.) In particular, $\;\;\; \mathsf{non-uniformAC^0} \: \not\subseteq \: \operatorname{PSPACE} \;\;\;$ and <br> $\mathsf{non-uniformACC^0} \: \not\subseteq \: \operatorname{NEXP} \;\;\;$, $\;\;\;$ so both claims in your initial sentence are false. <br> It is far more interesting to ask which uniform classes <br> are subsets of which non-uniform classes. <br><br><br> [$\operatorname{REG}$]( $\: \not\subseteq \: \mathsf{non-uniformAC^0} \;\;\;$, $\;\;\;$ since $\;\;\;$ [parity $\: \not\in \: \mathsf{non-uniformAC^0}$]( $\:\:\:\:$. <br> $\operatorname{NEXP} \: \not\subseteq \: \mathsf{non-uniformACC^0} \;\;\;$; $\;\;\;$ which [your question on cstheory]( was asking about. <br> [$\operatorname{MA_{exp}}$]( $\cap \hspace{.03 in}\operatorname{co-MA_{exp}}$ $\: \not\subseteq \:$ [$\operatorname{P/poly}$]( $\;\;\;$, $\;\;\;$ by [page 16 of this paper]( <br> [$\operatorname{AM_{exp}}$]( $\: \not\subseteq \:$ [$\operatorname{(NP\cap coNP)/poly}$]( $\;\;\;$, $\;\;\;$ by [this paper]( $\;\;\;\;\;$ (The right-hand-side of <br> the last non-containment is likely smaller than the class one would think it means.) <br> [This paper]( shows that [$\operatorname{MA_{exp}}$]( can't be decided by circuits with "half-exponential" size. <br><br>