you are asking several different things into one question. maybe it's a good idea to untangle the problem for yourself. You are talking about physics, definition of the industry and software/computer architecture.

**that the lowest language that we can find that the machine understands is binary as 1&0. And anything that we input will have to be transformed/converted to binary.**

lets do this part first, modern day computers are based on electrical circuits. For example most arm processors can run at 5 volts. By the way the arm processor is build in the fabric the processor understand a ~0 volt signal as 0 bit and ~5 volt as a 1 bit. It is the definition choosen by someone. 

**but being binary numbers wouldn't that mean that we would need another interpreter/compiler to transform binary into actual machine language?**

I do not completely understand what you are asking here. But lets say you are looking from a software perspective than the program eventually will be transformed in actual lines of bits + a line of bits which tell the apu what to do with the bits. These are fed into the apu (processing unit) and based on the processor architecture a action will be performed on the data. 

 **We all know from electronics that a computer is mainly composed of cpu which is an IC that is therefore made out of transistors etc, and the only thing that those tools understand is electricity, therefore electricity will be the lowest understandable language for a computer. So my concern is, is binary really 1s&0s or the 1s&0s are just used to represent the absence and or presence of electricity?** 

as I mentioned a little bit above it is the way computers are built. you can run the processor on other voltages but it wont work (i think). Because the a particulair definition is made about at what voltage a bit is 0 or 1.

**Supposing that it's just a representation for absence or presence of electricity, wouldn't there be another intermediate or even lower language between the commands that we input and binary, so that the circuits would know where to send the current to and where not to?**

Yup, basically analog signals. But keep in mind most of the time these are converted by an ADC(analog digital converter) into a bit value which represents a predefined voltage on that line. 

Hope it helps you ! 

Ps : Could somebody check my spelling :S i did the best i could but i know there are mistakes !