I'm learning vantage point trees, and I met this while reading the paper Data Structures and Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search in General Metric Spaces by Peter Yianilos (Proceedings of SODA 1993, SIAM, pages 311–321; PDF). The following pseudocode appears in Algorithm 1.
$$\begin{align*} \hspace{2em}&\hspace{-2em} \textbf{function}\text{ Make_vp_tree(}S\text{)}\\ &\textbf{if }S=\emptyset\textbf{ then return }\emptyset\\ &\text{new(node);}\\ &\text{node}\!\uparrow\!\!\text{.p} := \text{Select_vp(}S\text{);}\\ &\text{node}\!\uparrow\!\!\text{.mu} := \text{Median}_{s\in S}\, d(p,s);\\ &\dotsc \end{align*}$$
is a node of vp-tree, so I know what node.p
means, but what do that up arrow means in this context?