Can't seem to answer these questions, I'm sure the answers are out there somewhere but I don't really know what keywords to use to find them. Any answers or good sites/ documentation would be much appreciated. And please don't say wikipedia, the language used is a bit out of my comprehension at this moment.
Is it correct to assume that an NFA can be converted into multiple versions of a DFA?
Are there different methods for doing so and would they all be considered correct assuming they give different answers?
If an NFA has the transition relation d{ (q0,e,q1), (q1,e,q1), (q1,e,q2) } would it be correct to write it out as d(q0,e,q2)? (e standing for epsilon, q0 being initial state and q2 being final)
Is it correct to assume that every state in an NFA has a "hidden" e transition?
Is it bad practice when converting to have multiple NFA states as one DFA state?
Alternatively is there some way I can test my conversions out and make sure they are correct either using a program or some other way.
Apologies for the noobiness of the questions.