I'm wondering about the optimal complexity - or at the very least, some way of achieving non-terrible complexity - of a particular stack variant, that I'm calling a 'nonrepetitive stack'.

A nonrepetitive stack is like an ordinary stack, except that a push that would result in a repeated subsequence fails, not updating the stack but instead returning the location of the subsequence that would be repeated. (To disambiguate, because "repeated subsequence" can mean multiple things: I mean multiple contiguous copies of contiguous subsequences. If you treat the stack as a string, something matching `.*(.+)\1.*`.)

(Assume the usual model, e.g. comparing two individual items for equality is $O(1)$.)

The completely naive approach would be to check the entire stack for any repeated subsequences after each push, and undo the push and fail if one is found. Each check, and thus push, appears to be $O(n^3)$ in the current size of the stack, worst-case.

We can do somewhat better by instead noting that the stack can never actually include any repeated substrings (as you cannot introduce a repeated substring by popping from a stack, and pushes that would introduce a repeated substring instead fail), and so a push only needs to check potential repeats that include the top of stack. This gets us down to $O(n^2)$ in the size of the stack per push.

Some (terrible) Python pseudocode for this approach, to illustrate (again: this code is just to illustrate. Please don't focus on the exact code.)

def push(s, x):
    for i in range(1, len(s)//2 + 1):
        # this comparison is _not_ O(1) time.
        if s[-2*i:-i] == s[-i:]:
            ret = s[-i:], len(s)-2*i, len(s)-i
            return True, *ret
    return False, None

def pop(s):
    return s.pop()

def check(act, exp):
    assert act == exp, (act, exp)

s = []
check(push(s, "A"), (False, None))
check(push(s, "B"), (False, None))
check(push(s, "A"), (False, None))
check(s, ["A", "B", "A"])
# ABAB would have a repeated subsequence AB AB
check(push(s, "B"), (True, ["A", "B"], 0, 2))
check(pop(s), "A")
# ABB would have a repeated subsequence B B
check(push(s, "B"), (True, ["B"], 1, 2))

(Worst-case complexity here is $\sum_{i=1}^{n/2 + 1}i$, which is $O(n^2)$. Best-case for a successful push is if each array comparison compares one element and then short-circuits, which works out to $O(n)$. [n.b. I know that CPython's array comparison with slices I showed doesn't actually work that way.] Best-case for an unsuccessful push is, of course, $O(1)$.)

Is there a way of doing better here? In particular, is it possible to achieve (amortized) worst-case complexity for pushes that is sublinear in the size of the stack?