Given the potential function $\phi$, it seems that remove max may take $O(1)$ amoratized,
meaning that $n$ removals would take $O(n)$, which can't be, as it means we get a linear time comparison based sort if we build the heap in $O(n)$.

Where is the falling point in this potential function, and does it not give a $O(1)$ time guarantee and why?

    \overline C_i     =&  C_i + \phi_i-\phi_{i-1} \\
    \phi_i  =& \sum_{a\in Heap}{height(a)} \\

- meaning the potential function is the sum of heights of all nodes in the tree.
    C_i           &= \log n \\
    \phi_{i}      &= \phi_{i-1} - \log n \\
    \overline C_i &= \log n + \phi_{i-1} - \log n - \phi_{i-1} = 0