There exist [efficient data
structures]( for representing set
partitions. These data structures have good time complexities for operations
like Union and Find, but they are not particularly space-efficient.

**What is a space-efficient way to represent a partition of a set?**

Here is one possible starting point:

I know that the [number of
of a set with $N$ elements is $B_N$, the $N$-th [Bell
number]( So the optimal space
complexity for representing a partition of a set with $N$ elements is
$\log_2(B_N)$ bits. To find such a representation, we could look for a
one-to-one mapping between (the set of partitions of a set of $N$ elements) and
(the set of integers from $1$ to $B_N$).

Is there such a mapping that is efficient to compute? What I mean by
"efficient" is that I want to convert this compact representation
to / from an easy-to-manipulate representation (such as a list of lists) in time
polynomial in $N$ or $\log_2(B_N)$.