This might be very basic but I am interested in evaluating the algorithmic complexity of an estimator of the form: $$\hat{\theta} = \text{argmin}_{\theta} \;\; Q_n (\theta)$$ where $Q_n(\theta)$ denotes some objective function of interest (e.g. - log likelihood) computed on a sample of length $n$. $\hat{\theta}$ is assumed to be obtain through some numerical optimization methods (typically a stepwise procedure). Under this setting, how could I compute the algorithmic complexity of $\hat{\theta}$? I am really not sure if this makes sense but here is how I approach this problem: - Suppose that the numerical procedure used to compute $\hat{\theta}$ requires $S$ steps to converge. - Assume that there exist a deterministic function, say $f(p)$, where $p$ denotes the dimension of $\theta$ such that $S \leq f(p)$ and that $f(p) < \infty$ for $p < \infty$. - Assume that $\mathcal{O} (Q_n(\theta)) = g(n)$ for all $\theta$. - Then $\mathcal{O}(\hat{\theta})$ is simply given by $$\mathcal{O}(\hat{\theta}) = \mathcal{O}(Q_n(\theta) S) = g(n),$$ since $p$ is assume to be fixed (and bounded). This seems really too simple... Any comments would be more than welcome. Thank you very much.