Can't seem to answer these questions, I'm sure the answers are out there somewhere but I don't really know what keywords to use to find them. Any answers or good sites/ documentation would be much appreciated. And please don't say wikipedia, the language used is a bit out of my comprehension at this moment. 

 - Is it correct to assume that an NFA can be converted into multiple
   versions of a DFA?

 - Are there different methods for doing so and would they all be
   considered correct assuming they give different answers?

 - If an NFA has the transition relation **d{ (q0,e,q1), (q1,e,q1),
   (q1,e,q2) }** would it be correct to write it out as **d(q0,e,q2)**?
   (e standing for epsilon, q0 being initial state and q2 being final)

 - Is it correct to assume that every state in an NFA has a "hidden" e
   transition? Essentially can you assume that every state in an NFA has an e* transition.

 - Is it bad practice when converting to have multiple NFA states as one
   DFA state?

Alternatively is there some way I can test my conversions out and make sure they are correct either using a program or some other way.

Apologies for the noobiness of the questions.