The question is from [GATE 2019 CS][1]:

> For $Σ = \{a, b\}$, let us consider the regular language: $$L = \{x |
> x = a^{(2+3k)} or x = b^{(10+12k)}, k \geq 0\}$$  Which one of the
> following can be a pumping length (the constant guaranteed by the
> pumping lemma) for $L$? 

    (A) 3
    (B) 5
    (C) 9
    (D) 24

###My Try:

I tired to solve like this. I divide the minimum string possible into $x(y^i)z$ that is $a^2$ so getting i value $2$ but option not available. 

Then I take second minimum $a^5$ i.e., taking $x=E$ and $y=a^5$ and $z=E$. 

>I am getting $i=5$. So is it correct answer?? 
