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Questions about mathematical devices that read an input stream symbol by symbol and use a state transition map to produce an output stream, maybe using secondary storage.

1 vote

Proving a language is not regular with pumping lemma

To expand a little on Ran G.'s comment, given a pumping length of $p$, we can take the string $s=a^{p}b^{p} \in A$, then splitting into $s=xyz$, the $y$ section (the part that can be pumped) must be a …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
5 votes

Why $R\circ\emptyset$ is not always equal to $\emptyset$

Assuming by "$.$" you mean concatention ($\circ$ when made explicit by Sipser) and by $\phi$ you mean $\emptyset$, I'm not sure what the confusion is. Sipser is claiming that sometimes (in almost ever …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
3 votes

What does an NFA do if there's no transition with the correct symbol?

No, NFAs can have any number of transitions for a given symbol1 from a state. If the NFA gets into the situation where the current symbol from the input has no transition from the current state, then …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
3 votes

When states that are not accepting states become accepting states in NFA, what happens?

It depends on whether the NFA contains a path for every possible word. If there is an input word where there is no path through the NFA at all labelled with that word, then yes, this can happen. See …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
2 votes

When do we need to change the state of a push down automata?

As Renato suggests, you never need to change state in a PDA. Even without useing a CFG as an intermediate, we can take a PDA and construct another that does the same job with using only a single state …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
0 votes

DFA which visit a specific state at least once

You can break the problem down into two parts: strings that make it to state $r$, and strings that, starting at $r$, make it to an accepting state. To get a DFA $M'$ for the first one, we take $M$, m …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
2 votes

Can a DPDA be created for a Language which includes the null string?

Yes, we can simply make the starting state an accept state. With no input (i.e. empty string) the machine halts immediately, and accepts.
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
12 votes

Why isn't converting from an NFA to a DFA working?

Your methodology for creating the DFA from the NFA is fine. The problem is that you started with the wrong NFA (you'll notice that your NFA doesn't accept abbaa either). Try this one instead:
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
2 votes

Constructing deterministic PDA for not regular language

Your diagram looks like you have the correct answer. Just for comparison: Somewhat overannotated, but I don't think I've missed anything. As best I can tell, your diagram expresses the same idea.
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
5 votes

Finite state automata, multiple completion states?

Your DFA is close, but not quite right. Note that the description requires the strings in the language to have at least one $a$, whereas your DFA will accept the empty string. The fix is simple of cou …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
3 votes

NFA - string acceptance (decision problem) test

This behaviour can occur even with very small automata (i.e. where the number of states $m$ is a fixed constant). …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
2 votes

How to read a DFA for digit summation that uses carry bits?

The problem here is not really in the implementation of the DFA, but in understanding what the DFA is doing. With those who have access to the text, careful reading of the algorithm preceding it shoul …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
4 votes

Equivalence of NFA and DFA - proof by construction

It is true that this construction may result in a DFA with unreachable states. The general construction begins simply by including all possible states, then adding the appropriate transitions, so typi …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
8 votes

In a DFA, does every state have a transition on every symbol of the alphabet?

As scaaahu notes in the comments, by a common definition, a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) must have a transition from every state on every alphabet symbol, i.e. the transition function $\delta( …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar
1 vote

Deterministic Nonfinite Automaton - Longest Block of Ones

Your guess is definitely on the right track, though you may need one more piece of information. As you have infinite states (of which each input will use some number of them according to a function of …
Luke Mathieson's user avatar

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