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formal systems to specify properties of objects

1 vote
0 answers

Is there a most general fixpoint?

We can write inductive types in terms of a fixpoint type: Fix : (* -> *) -> * In : (f : * -> *) -> f (Fix f) -> Fix f NatF r = () + r Nat = Fix NatF Z = In NatF (InL ()) S n = In NatF (InR n) But th …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
1 vote
0 answers

Does Quantitative Type Theory make the Prop universe obsolete?

Coq (and other type theories such as Setoid Type Theory) have a Prop universe for propositions. As far as I understand this universe is needed to be sure that the propositions can be erased. In Quanti …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
3 votes

How does the `Word` type work in Kind Lang?

Giving the datatype in Agda-style syntax: data Word : Nat -> Set where e : Word zero o : {size : Nat} -> Word size -> Word (suc size) i : {size : Nat} -> Word size -> Word (suc size) So e is an …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
2 votes
0 answers

Is Observational Equality better than intensional equality?

The Observational Equality from Epigram 2 seems to be intensional equality (like Coq and Agda have), but it also supports function extensionality. In that sense it seems that Observational Equality is …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
2 votes
1 answer

Restrictions needed on ADT for totality

In the paper Total Functional Programming by D.A. Turner three rules are given for a programming language to remain total: complete case analysis covariant type recursion (type constructor should no …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
3 votes
0 answers

Calculus of constructions, type-in-type and recursion

Does adding type-in-type to the calculus of constructions lead to (general) recursion? Such that one can write the Y combinator.
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
5 votes
1 answer

What untyped term inhabits induction on natural numbers in CoC?

Induction on Church-encoded natural numbers (which I will call indNat) can not be defined within the Calculus of Constructions. If we assumed indNat as an axiom, is there an untyped term that would h …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575
12 votes
2 answers

Why does Coq include let-expressions in its core language

Coq includes let-expressions in its core language. We can translate let-expressions to applications like this: let x : t = v in b ~> (\(x:t). b) v I understand that this does not always work because t …
Labbekak's user avatar
  • 575