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8 votes

How to show L is non-regular without pumping lemma?

Well, you can't show that it is not regular, because it is regular. Indeed, $L = (ab)^*\setminus \{(ab)^6\}$, and $(ab)^*$ is regular (concatenation + kleene star), and $\{(ab)^6\}$ is regular (...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there infinite state machines, and how do their computational power relate to turing machines?

Turing machines aren't defined this way simply because automata with an infinite number of states aren't effective. The definition of effective procedures tries to capture our intuitive understanding ...
Knogger's user avatar
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6 votes

Subset Relations Between CFGs and Their Languages

Let $G$ and $H$ be your two context-free grammars, respectively. If the set of all rules in $G$ is a subset of the set of all rules in $H$, then all derivations possible in $G$ are also possible in $H$...
Ziad Ismaili Alaoui's user avatar
5 votes

Repeated rules with more than three symbols for conversion to Chomskys Normal Form

Yes, if the same strings are generated the productions can be shared. The "standard" conversion does not consider such "coincidences". Note that your final result does not yet ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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5 votes

Decidability of whether for a given $G$, $L(G)=\Sigma^+$? (or $L(G)=L$ where $L$ is fixed beforehand

It is decidable whether $\epsilon \in L(G)$. Given a context-free grammar $G$, you can construct a new context-free grammar $G'$ such that $L(G')=L(G) \cap \Sigma^+$. If $L(G')=\Sigma^+$ and $\...
D.W.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Applications of ω-automaton in engineering

Sure. They are used in model checking. Specifically, if we want to check liveness properties of systems, then typically we use $\omega$-automata (e.g., Büchi automata) to formalize the property we ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Difference between product automaton vs. NFA with epsilon transitions

Both constructions work. The advantages of using NFAs is that they allow easier constructions, especially for languages that can be naturally specified using existential quantifiers. So if we only ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
4 votes

A context-sensite grammar for the language of sequences of two different types of parentheses with possible intersections?

Basically, the idea is that $($ and $)$ can commute with $[$ and $]$, but $($ cannot commute with $)$ – and same for $[$ and $]$. An essentially noncontracting grammar would be: $S \to \varepsilon \...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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4 votes

Can code using GOTO be converted GOTO-less algorithmically?

Yes, it's possible, but the construction is probably a lot less satisfying than you imagine it being ;) Each program can be expressed using only goto <line> ...
Knogger's user avatar
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4 votes

$L'=\left \{w : w\cdot Drop_a(w)\in L \right \}$ is a regular language

Note that a word $w$ is in $L'$ iff there exist states $q\in Q, q_f\in F$ such that $q_0 \xrightarrow{w} q$ and $q \xrightarrow{drop(w)} q_{f}$, where the latter runs are runs in $A$. The first run is ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
4 votes

$L'=\left \{ z^Rx : xyz\in L \right \}$ is regular

Let $A = (\Sigma, Q, q_0, \delta, F)$ be a DFA that recognizes $L$. For states $p, q\in Q$, let $A_{p, q}$ denote the DFA obtained from $A$ by letting $p$ be the initial state and $q$ be the only ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
3 votes

Shortest regular expression possible

To solve this question, you should not blindly apply some algorithm. Instead, start by understanding what the given automaton does. When you do this, you will see that the automaton is needlessly ...
Arno's user avatar
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3 votes

Question about ALL-NFA in PSPACE

Note that the procedure decides the complement of $ALL_{NFA}$, which is sufficient as $PSPACE = NPSPACE$. The procedure checks whether the NFA $M$ rejects some input. The idea is simple, we actually ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
3 votes

Shortest regular expression possible

Frame it as the least fixed point solution to the following system in Kleene algebra: $$ A ≥ 1 + a B + b C,\quad B ≥ 1 + a D + b E,\quad C ≥ 1 + a D + b D,\\ D ≥ a B + b C,\quad E ≥ a C + b B,\quad A. ...
NinjaDarth's user avatar
3 votes

Is matching pairs sufficient?

I assume that the Turing machine $M$ is allowed to be nondeterministic. In that case we need three positions. Consider the possibility that $M$ on a certain configuration may move either left or right....
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

NFA for a regular expression without $\epsilon$-transitions

You can convert the regular expression into an automaton using the Glushkov's construction. The resulting automaton is non-deterministic and does not contain any $\varepsilon$-transition. Its number ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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3 votes

Do multi-acceptance/multi-language automata exist in literature?

There have been studies on something called colored finite automata, which seem very close to your definition. Other colored models, e.g. regular expressions, also exist. I haven't work on this ...
sgorblex's user avatar
3 votes

How to formally prove that any regular expression can be written as a finite combination of base cases and operations?

What you have there is a recursive definition. Every regular expression is generated by a finite number of applications of rules 1.-6., so you can simply do mathematical induction over the number of ...
Knogger's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the name of a DFA where all long enough words are synchronizing words?

I don't know whether it has a name, but you can test in polynomial time whether a DFA has this property or not, as it is a 2-safety property. Specifically, a DFA fails to have this property iff there ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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3 votes

Question about a grammar who generates $(0+1)^*$

We can prove this using mathematical induction. For base case, it is easy to see that $S$ can generate $\varepsilon, 0, 1, 00, 11, 01, 10$. Now we assume $S$ can generate any binary string on $0$s and ...
codeR's user avatar
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3 votes

Lower bound states for NFAs: seeking examples and methods

Following your edit: NFAs are closed under reversal in $O(1)$. Indeed, take an NFA with $n$ states, then you can obtain an NFA for the reverse by reversing the transitions and swapping the accepting ...
Shaull's user avatar
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3 votes

Myhill-Nerode sentence and the relation $R_L$

Note that $u, v$ and $w$ can contain any letter. Therefore, $L$ is the language of all words that contain some letter at least twice. In particular, a word that contains some letter 3 times is in $L$. ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

How does a minimal DFA ensure minimal computational cost?

As Yuval commented, I also think you're taking Wikipedia too literally. The way I interpreted that sentence is as follows. Decision procedures about deterministic automata are easier compared to ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Why are non-deterministic Buchi automata factorially succinct when compared to deterministic Rabin Automata?

Usually, when defining the size of a Rabin automaton, we take into consideration the automaton's index (the number of Rabin pairs) and not only the number of states. What you asked for is well-known, ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Proving that $(A \cup B)^* = A^*(BA^*)^*$

As already stated in the comments, it is easy to see that $A^*(BA^*)^* \subseteq (A\cup B)^*$ as every word $x$ in $ A^*(BA^*)^*$ can be written as a concatenation of words that are either in $A$ or ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Is the set of all DFAs countable?

There are several ways to prove this. Here is a formal one: You can encode the set of DFAs over $\Sigma$ as words over the constant alphabet $\Sigma' = \{0, 1, \#\}$. This can be done as follows. Let $...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

How to check whether a given language is decidable when the definition contains some predetermined machine

The machine $M_1$ is not a predetermined machine, but we rather find that $M_1$ is within the scope of an existential quantor. As you have observed, for all $w$ and $M$ there is some $M_1$ such that $...
Arno's user avatar
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2 votes

Proving a language is not regular using Pumping Lemma

In the case of the pumping lemma, it is not good for intuition or practice to consider specific strings, such as $abba$. The statement of the pumping lemma says that if a language $L$ is regular, then ...
codeing_monkey's user avatar
2 votes

NFA for the language that accepts binary strings ending with 00

The first answer is incorrect. The automaton does not accept, for example, the input word $0100$. In fact, the first automaton misses at least all words in the language that are not of the form $1^*0^*...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar

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