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19 votes

What exactly is the semantic difference between category and set?

In brief, set theory is about membership while category theory is about structure-preserving transformations – but only about the relationships between those transformations. Set theory is only about ...
PJTraill's user avatar
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16 votes

“Left identity” of Monad laws in Haskell is wrong

You should be more precise. When you say that f(x), f a and m >>= f are "the same", ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
15 votes

Reference request: Category theory as it applies to type systems

Category theory is not necessary to understand programming languages, it's not even necessary to do advanced research on programming languages. Most programming language people don't know (much) ...
Martin Berger's user avatar
15 votes

Is there an isomorphism between (subset of) category theory and relational algebra?

Let me articulate the Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence with a bit of jargon which I'll explain. Lambek showed that the simply typed lambda calculus with products was the internal language of a ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
15 votes

Monad in Haskell programming vs. Monad in category theory

A monad in Haskell is intended to be a monad on the category of types, when the category theory is done internally to the type theory. The capabilities of Haskell and similar languages are somewhat ...
Dan Doel's user avatar
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13 votes

Rigorous proof that parametric polymorphism implies naturality using parametricity?

The missing part is the "identity extension lemma", which is mentioned in Reynolds' original paper but not in Wadler's. For $F : \text{Type} \to \text{Type}$, this says that if the ...
András Kovács's user avatar
11 votes

What are some examples of types that can't be derived set theoretically?

There are several type-theoretic constructions that cannot be easily handled with set theory. Note that when we say "set theory" we mean that we intend to interpret types as sets and type-theoretic ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
11 votes

Are there any type constructors which are *not* functors?

One obvious counterexample is a binary search tree. You cannot freely substitute the values in a binary search tree because a substitution might change the ordering (relative to ...
Pseudonym's user avatar
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10 votes

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the enlightenment?

This answer may not be exactly what you are looking for. That is, I think perhaps the importance of this characterisation is being overemphasised here. The quote a monad in X is just a monoid in the ...
varkor's user avatar
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10 votes

What exactly is the relation between Haskell and category theory?

Category theory is an abstract branch of mathematics and you do not need to learn it before you start writing Haskell code. Similarly, you do not need to learn Haskell before you start learning ...
axr's user avatar
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9 votes

How is the definition of monads in category theory equivalent to the definition in functional programming?

The Haskell monads are known as Kleisli triples in mathematics. I am guessing you're coming from the Haskell land, so let me just put down the translations between the two formulations in Haskell (I ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
9 votes

Can the formalisms of category theory replace those of type theory?

Since you say that "the subtleties of the correspondence between type theory and category theory are outside your ken", perhaps the best way to understand the correspondence is to read non-technical ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
9 votes

Can the formalisms of category theory replace those of type theory?

My view is more or less similar to chi's. I see category theory as (roughly) being to type theory what model theory is to logic. Some of the consequences of that are, first, each can exist ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
9 votes

Why are the laws of an applicative functor defined the way they are?

As described in the original idioms paper, Applicative (called Idiom there) corresponds to a strong lax monoidal functor. This ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
7 votes

Semantic readings of the Lambek sequent calculus

What constitutes a proof in a system like this is a derivation which is a tree of rule applications. The above translation function is defined by (structural) recursion over that tree. Note, this is ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
7 votes

Generators in category theory

The most obvious intuition comes from the notion of well pointed categories. A well pointed category is simply a category $\cal C$ in which the final object $1$ exists and is a generator for $\cal C$. ...
cody's user avatar
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7 votes

Given A to C, and B to C with known complexities, what can be said about A to B?

We can have sets $A, B, C$ with linear-time computable maps $f : A \to C$ and $g : B \to C$ such that there exists a map $h : A \to B$ with $f = g \circ h$, but the needed time complexity/Turing ...
Arno's user avatar
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7 votes

Functional Programming and Category Theory

These colleagues of yours, would they happen to be Haskell aficionados? They might have told you that Hask was a category made from Haskell, but that is a lie, notheless a very useful one that ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
7 votes

Set theory pertaining to category theory and functional programming

The notation $f:E\times F \to G$ means that $f$ is a function that needs two arguments, one from $E$, one from $F$, and the image is in $G$. This is how the function $\text{Union}$ is defined: the two ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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6 votes

Writing the coherence conditions for a monad in a functional laguage

First off, you've confused $\nu$ and $\eta$ in your class. I'm going to go with $\eta$. The coherency law: $$\mu \circ T \eta = \mu \circ \eta T = 1_T$$ translates to: ...
Pseudonym's user avatar
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6 votes

Can we define a program by means of a walk of a graph induced by the category of types?

Consider the simply-typed $\lambda$ calculus: this is one of the simplest functional languages you can define. It is very common to interpret it in a Cartesian closed category (CCC). Indeed, CCCs are ...
chi's user avatar
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6 votes

Reference request: Category theory as it applies to type systems

Learning category theory is a huge time investment, and the question whether it is worth it is very valid. I still struggle with this too, and I already know why I should learn it. I wrote: I liked ...
Thomas Klimpel's user avatar
5 votes

functional programming in terms of Set

You can use the category of sets as your model of how functional programming works as long as you do not allow general recursive definitions. To see why general recursion is not valid in the category ...
Andrej Bauer's user avatar
5 votes

Can we define a program by means of a walk of a graph induced by the category of types?

Your question sounds redundant to me. By definition of category whenever two morphisms with common object $f\colon A \rightarrow B$ and $g\colon B \rightarrow C$ exist, then their composition $g\circ ...
Apiwat Chantawibul's user avatar
5 votes

What exactly is the semantic difference between category and set?

Category theory is in some sense a generalization of set theory: the category $C$ could be the category of sets, or it could be something else. So, you learn less if you learn that $x$ is an object ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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4 votes

What exactly is the semantic difference between category and set?

A further point on D.W.'s explanation There's no difference between saying that $x$ is a group vs saying that $x$ is an object in the category $\mathsf{Grp}$. Those two statements are equivalent. ...
Apiwat Chantawibul's user avatar
4 votes

How to explain/understand brackets of applicative functor [[f u1... un]]?

In it's simplest, original form, $[\![f\ x \ y]\!]$ just means $\eta(f)\circledast x \circledast y$ where $\circledast$ is what Haskell calls <*> and $\eta$ ...
Derek Elkins left SE's user avatar
4 votes

functional programming in terms of Set

A typical mindset would be to consider them separate categories: Category of types and programming functions Category of sets and set functions We can then ask questions such as: Is there functors ...
Apiwat Chantawibul's user avatar
4 votes

What is a not-well-founded cotree?

I'm not sure what you mean by "all relations are inverted" (what's the relation of a tree?), but perhaps I can provide some insight. In Haskell, one might write the type of binary trees as such: <...
cody's user avatar
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4 votes

How to determine whether a dependent type that doesn't fit the monad instance is categorically a monad

So, there are potentially many answers to this sort of question. One is that there are many possible categories on which there can be monads. The rules for establishing that something is a monad will ...
Dan Doel's user avatar
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