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21 votes

How to determine if a set is countable or uncountable?

Some common approaches to prove that some set is countable: Give an enumeration, i.e. a list that contains all of the elements of the set. It's fine if the list contains duplicates. Show that it is a ...
Pseudonym's user avatar
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6 votes

Can a universal worst case problem instance exist?

TL;DR: No, I don't think there's much hope of picking a problem instance that is maximally hard for all algorithms. The question is tricky. It's tricky even to identify a well-formed statement of the ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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5 votes

How to determine if a set is countable or uncountable?

Consider an infinite set $A$. Then, $A$ is countable (or countably infinite) iff there is a bijection $f$ from $\mathbb{N}$ to $A$. This is why we use the term "countable" as intuitively we ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
3 votes

Myhill-Nerode sentence and the relation $R_L$

Note that $u, v$ and $w$ can contain any letter. Therefore, $L$ is the language of all words that contain some letter at least twice. In particular, a word that contains some letter 3 times is in $L$. ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
3 votes

result of a union between a decidable language and not recognizable one - disjoint

The union is not Turing recognizable. A simple reduction from $A$ to $A\cup B$ operates as follows. Given input $x$, the reduction checks if $x$ is in $B$ ( this is possible as $B$ is decidable) and ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
3 votes

Can a universal worst case problem instance exist?

As mentioned in @D.W.'s answer, I think a meaningful question would not consider a worst case instance, but a worst case family of instances in an attempt to provide an asymptotic lower-bound for the ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

In class P, does decidability implies searchability?

I guess you are alluding to the "decision vs search" problems. Often, we refer to problems in 𝑃 as problems that we can "efficiently search a solution for" (where efficiently ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

The number of words that M doesn't accept is finite

You can define a reduction $f$ from $\overline{A_{TM}}$. The basic idea to let $f$, upon reading an input $\langle M, w\rangle$, output $\langle T\rangle$, where $T$ is a TM that operates as follows. ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

set of words w such that M halts on w is decidable

You cannot let $M'$ recognize $A_{TM}$ by letting it "accept $\langle M, w\rangle$". You need to define the behaviour of $M'$ on $x$, which you completely ignored. What you wanted to achieve ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Is the difference between an unrecognizable language and a finite language decidable? recognizable?

The answer is "yes", this can be seen using a proof by contradiction. Hint: All finite languages are recognizable and $\texttt{RE}$ is closed under union and intersection.
Knogger's user avatar
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2 votes

Is UNIQUE(N) Turing-recognizable?

Consider a (deterministic) TM $D$ that recognizes the language $\text{HALT}_{\text{TM}} = \{ \langle M, w\rangle: \text{$M$ halts on $w$} \}$, and let $N$ be a (nondeterministic) TM that, given input $...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
1 vote

Polynomial reduction function for languages in NPC, reduction from DHP to given language

Why not simply do the following. Given the graph $G=(V,E)$, the reduction outptus the same graph with additional new vertices $u$ and $v$, as you suggested, and then adds the following new directed ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
1 vote

In class P, does decidability implies searchability?

One counterexample is integer factorisation: given an postive integer $n$, are there integers $a,b$ with $n>a>b>1$, such that $n = a*b$. the decision problem is in $P$ (primary test); but it ...
Reiner Czerwinski's user avatar
1 vote

How could "the mind" be uncomputable if it's due to neurons processing information?

The basic issue is not that the brain doesn't process information in the general sense. The issue is that the brain does not "compute" the information in any familiar sense (like the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Proving Non-Semi-Decidability of Language L - Seeking Reduction Strategy

You can, for example, let $f(\langle M, x\rangle)$ be the code of a Turing machine $M'$ that, for an input $y$, runs $M$ on $x$ for $|y|$ steps, if $M$ halted, keeps running forever, otherwise stops. ...
Naïm Favier's user avatar

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