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6 votes

Set of K elements with minimum cost and GCD=1

You can do this with dynamic programming. Let $S$ be the input set, and let $N=\max S$. We define the table $T\in\mathbb{N}^N$ where $$ T[w] = \min_{\substack{X\subseteq S\\ \operatorname{gcd}(A[X])=w}...
Narek Bojikian's user avatar
3 votes

Most Efficient way to compute array

There is an easy $\mathcal{O}(n)$ solution in dynamic programming. Consider the following functions: $f_0(i)$ is the maximum sum without three consecutives values, up to index $i$, without the value $...
Nathaniel's user avatar
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3 votes

Set of K elements with minimum cost and GCD=1

This is NP-hard. We will prove this by reduction from the set cover problem. Consider a set $U$, and a set $S$ of subsets of $U$. The set cover problem asks for the smallest subset of $S$ whose union ...
user2357112's user avatar
1 vote

Do all recursive problems have optimal substructure?

All problems with an optimal substructure can be solved recursively, but not all problems that can be solved with recursion have an optimal substructure. I think you understand the first part of that ...
Raydot's user avatar
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