3 votes

When a CPU copies instructions from storage into RAM how does it jump to instructions no longer in RAM?

You have many memory pages - thousands 20 years ago, possibly millions today. When the next instruction is not in RAM, it is loaded for example from disk. Some other page of memory will be thrown out. ...
gnasher729's user avatar
2 votes

LRU vs FIFO page replacement

For anyone visiting this thread in the future, FIFO can have less page faults in some scenarios. In this one ( <2, 6, 5, 7, ..., ..., ...> ), it can be completed with 2, 8, 6. The access of 2 ...
Person Giving Answer's user avatar
1 vote

How is an OS page stored in a k-way set-associative cache?

There are few things to be cleared first. Lets assume a away set associative cache with bwide cache-lines and ...
Isu's user avatar
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