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Questions about regular expressions, a formalism to describe regular languages.

Questions about regular expressions, a formalism to describe regular languages.

If you are asking about how to find a regular expression for some language, please consult How do I find a regular expression for a particular language? before asking, and show what progress you have made.

Note that regular expressions in a computer science context are not the same as POSIX RegExp or similar. A regular expression in the formal language sense $R$ can be one of

  • the empty language $\emptyset$,
  • the empty string $\varepsilon$ (also $\lambda$),
  • an individual symbol $a \in \Sigma$ with $\Sigma$ some finite alphabet,
  • a concatenation $R_1 \cdot R_2$,
  • an alternative $(R_1 \mid R_2)$ (often $+$ is used) and
  • a Kleene star $(R_1)^*$.

See the corresponding Wikipedia article for details.

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