25 votes

Does an algorithm's space complexity include input?

It depends on the chosen convention. I often prefer the convention that considers that the input is not part of the space complexity, for different reasons: the space complexity of a function answer ...
Nathaniel's user avatar
  • 15.5k
25 votes

Does space complexity analysis usually include output space?

Typically, we consider space complexity in terms of Turing machines with: one read-only input tape one write-only output tape however many read-write working tapes you want. The space usage is the ...
David Richerby's user avatar
7 votes

Why is DFS considered to have $O(bm)$ space complexity?

It depends on what exactly you call DFS. Consider for example the algorithm DFS-iterative described in Wikipedia, and suppose that you run it on a tree so that you don't have to keep track of which ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
6 votes

Showing strong connectivity is in DSPACE((logn)^2)

You don't need to pass $G$ every time, since it doesn't change across calls. You can think of it as a global variable, which is stored only on the input tape. The other parameters take only $O(\log n)$...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
6 votes

Does an algorithm's space complexity include input?

Auxiliary Space: The extra space that is taken by an algorithm temporarily to finish its work Space Complexity: Space complexity is the total space taken by the algorithm with respect to the input ...
subasri_'s user avatar
  • 169
5 votes

Chess Knight minimum moves to destination on an infinite board

There is a closed form solution for finding the minimum number of moves the chess knight needs to move a specified displacement on the infinite chess board. Let $g$ be the requisite displacement ...
Robert Wordar's user avatar
5 votes

Space complexity of string indices: O(1) or O(log|S|)?

These are correct (unless you explicitly specify a non-standard model of computing): $O(1)$ space, $O(1)$ words of space, $O(\log|S|)$ bits of space.
Jukka Suomela's user avatar
5 votes

Chess Knight minimum moves to destination on an infinite board

The easiest way to solve this problem is to greedily move in the best direction until you get within 100 squares or so, and then A* from there. Figuring out exactly how close you can get before you ...
Matt Timmermans's user avatar
5 votes

Index variable takes up log(n) space?

If you have a variable $x$ that can represent any number from $0$ to $n-1$ (or any value from a set of of $n$ possible values, really), such an the index of an array of $A[0 \dots n-1]$ of $n$ ...
Steven's user avatar
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4 votes

Memory needed for computational graph

Your problem sounds similar to one-shot (black) pebbling. Wu, Austrin, Pitassi, and Liu, in their paper titled Inapproximability of treewidth, one-shot pebbling, and related layout problems (J. ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
4 votes

Worst Case Space Complexity of Merge Sort and Bubble Sort

Typical implementations of Merge sort use a new auxiliary array split into two parts, a left part and a right part. This extra space is the reason for the ...
ManLaw's user avatar
  • 60
4 votes

Is there a measure of space usage over time?

Sure. Of course, you are absolutely right, that time complexity and space complexity don't capture the whole story. No one metric is likely to. There are many ways one could plausibly distinguish ...
D.W.'s user avatar
  • 159k
4 votes

Python: A doubt on time and space complexity on string slicing

The running time of string concatenation depends on how it is implemented. It is impossible to tell whether new_word += i takes $O(1)$ or $\Theta(|\text{new_word}|)$...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
3 votes

Why is DFS considered to have $O(bm)$ space complexity?

There are two points here to make: In case you introduce into the stack all the descendants of the current node, then effectively, the space complexity is $O(bd)$ where $b$ is the branching factor ...
Carlos Linares López's user avatar
3 votes

Recurrence: space complexity to Tournament Method

First of all, when talking about space complexity, we need to make sure what exactly we are counting. There are two main issues: Are we counting the space taken by the input? How much space does a ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
3 votes

How to compute $\mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{X}$ efficiently for large $\mathbf{X}$?

"Blocked matrix multiplication" is one way to optimize matrix multiplication for memory access. From "Using Blocking to Increase Temporal Locality" by Bryant and O’Hallaron (2012): Blocking a ...
rphv's user avatar
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3 votes

With Memoization Are Time Complexity & Space Complexity Always the Same?

There are plenty examples for which you need $\omega(1)$ time to compute each table entry or do not need to keep all table entries. An example for the former would be CYK; for the latter memoized ...
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
2 votes

Is FKS hashing really linear space?

Space is counted in machine words rather than in bits. A machine word is allowed to contain a member of the universe $U$, and so is $O(\log |U|)$ bits wide. The array $G$ stores hash functions, via ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
2 votes

With Memoization Are Time Complexity & Space Complexity Always the Same?

This is not a general rule. It is very possible for a dynamic programming algorithm to have greater time complexity than space complexity (but obviously not the other way around, since we spend at ...
Tom van der Zanden's user avatar
2 votes

Is the memory usage of total languages deterministic?

Because total programs cannot run forever they cannot use infinite memory. You can know maximum, and best case cost from looking at what algorithm is implemented. Checkout these wikipedia pages to see ...
44701's user avatar
  • 459
2 votes

What is the complexity to show this theorem?

This is just SAT in disguise. Given a clause, you can encode the set of assignments falsifying the clause as a sum of the type you indicated. The formula is unsatisfiable iff every assignment ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
2 votes

How large would a database containing perfect knowledge of chess be?

Claude Shannon indicated that the State Space Complexity (number of legal positions reachable from the initial position in chess) has a lower bound of approximately $10^{43}$. If each entry consists ...
Matt D's user avatar
  • 313
2 votes

Chess Knight minimum moves to destination on an infinite board

thanks to matt timmermans by his hint I realized for infinite chess boards no search algorithm BFS, DFS, A*, Dijkstra should be used. just calculate diagonal symmetry and imagine that start point as (...
Amir-Mousavi's user avatar
2 votes

Space efficient data structure for subsets of [1:n]

Bit vectors fulfill all your requirements.
Raphael's user avatar
  • 72.4k
2 votes

can similarity transformation be linear transformation?

Linear transformations fulfill two criteria: T(A) + T(B) = T(A + B) and k T(A) = T(k A) (for any scalar k) What happens if A ...
DMGregory's user avatar
  • 338
2 votes

what will be space complexity for snippet for(i=1 to n) int x=10;?

You are right. Are they saying if we run that loop n times then n different variables having name x will be created? This doesn't happen. Moreover, it is good practice to avoid unnecessary global ...
Ayush's user avatar
  • 117
2 votes

The space complexity of a function that allocates space based on the input value and not size

It is $O(n)$ and, more precisely, $\Theta(n)$. What might be confusing you is the fact that the length of the encoding of the parameter $n$ will only be $\Theta(\log n)$, meaning that the value of $n$...
Steven's user avatar
  • 29.5k
1 vote

Big O space complexity of this isAnagram method

You probably expected the following answer. Everyone of your friends is correct from her/his own perspective. All you need to realize is that complexity analysis depends on lots of assumptions. In ...
John L.'s user avatar
  • 39k
1 vote

Does array always have a wasted space of O(n)?

It depends on the algorithm used. Someone made the assumption that when an array has space for n items, and the n+1st item needs to be added, the array would be resized to a size c·n for some constant ...
gnasher729's user avatar

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