6 votes

What else measures are used to compare algorithm efficiency apart from Time and Space complexities?

When it comes to the numerical methods used in science and engineering, one important measure is numerical accuracy.
DirkT's user avatar
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Read-once complexity of a matrix problem

The computation of the erasing machine can be expressed as a read-once branching program. A branching program is a DAG with a unique source and two sinks, labelled "Yes" and "No". ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
4 votes

Unions of PSPACE-comlete problems that are PSPACE-complete?

Let $A,B\subsetneq\Sigma^*$ be $\text{PSPACE}$-complete problems for some fixed $\Sigma$ such that $A\cup B\neq\Sigma^*$ and $A\cup B\in\text{PSPACE}$. Does it follow that $A\cup B$ is $\text{PSPACE}$-...
John L.'s user avatar
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PSPACE≠co-NP?Is the statement true?

If P = PSPACE then since $\text{P} \subseteq \text{coNP} \subseteq \text{PSPACE}$, we can conclude that coNP=PSPACE, and by contrapositive this means that if $\text{coNP} \neq \text{PSPACE}$ then $\...
Command Master's user avatar
3 votes

Question about ALL-NFA in PSPACE

Note that the procedure decides the complement of $ALL_{NFA}$, which is sufficient as $PSPACE = NPSPACE$. The procedure checks whether the NFA $M$ rejects some input. The idea is simple, we actually ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

ALL_{NFA} is PSPACE-complete

Let's show a generic PTIME reduction from any language in $\text{PSPACE}$ to $ALL_{NFA}$. Let $L \subseteq \Sigma^*$ be a language in PSPACE, and let $T$ be a TM that decides $L$ with polynomial space-...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

How to allocate memory for prime numbers

I suggest you allocate space for $$U = \max(N/(\ln(N) - 1.1), N/\ln(N) + 2000).$$ This will be quite close to the true number. For instance, for $N=10^7$, it is only 1284 larger than the true number. ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Is there a language $L$ such that $L \in DSPACE(1) \setminus DTIME(1)$?

No. Consider the language $$L = \{x \in \{0,1\}^* \mid x \text{ has even parity}\},$$ i.e., $$L = \{x_1 \cdots x_n \mid x_1 + x_2 + \cdots + x_n \equiv 0 \pmod 2\}.$$ This language is in $\textsf{...
D.W.'s user avatar
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How to construct complement of NFA universality?

Consider the language $ALL_{NFA} = \{\langle A\rangle: \text{$A$ is an NFA with $L(A) = \Sigma^*$}\}$. If you want a non-PTIME reduction from $\overline{ALL_{NFA}}$ to $ALL_{NFA}$, then you can simply ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to sort numbers in linear time and constant extra space?

If you require a comparison-based sorting algorithm akin to quicksort and merge sort, the answer is "No." Simply put, it can be proven that sorting an array of $n$ elements using a ...
Ziad Ismaili Alaoui's user avatar
1 vote

I am struggling to define the space complexity of a turing machine

Yes, if you can define such a TM that can solve the problem in space $O(\log n)$ that is sufficient to show that the problem is in class $A$. You should then prove that this TM never uses more than $O(...
gnarrithas's user avatar
1 vote

PSPACE and Polynomial reduction

Correct: you can choose $C$ to be any $\text{PSPACE-complete}$ language. The only known counter-examples to this claim are ones where $C$ or $A$ are trivial, and hence, sadly, a counter-example would ...
Bader Abu Radi's user avatar
1 vote

PSPACE and Polynomial reduction

Regarding 1: choose $C = \{0x \mid x \in A \} \cup \{1x \mid x\in B\}$. Regarding $2$: $B \le_P \emptyset \implies B=\emptyset$ however $\{\varepsilon\} \le_P B \implies B \neq \emptyset$. Regarding $...
Steven's user avatar
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1 vote

Transform OTM for Problem π to DTM ∈ DSPACE(n)

It depends on the oracle. If $\pi$ is solved by the OTM using an oracle for a non-computable problem (non-decidable language), then there might not be a DTM that can solve $\pi$ without an oracle. ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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$NL$ Leaf languages and $PSPACE$

You are omitting some very important details. In the exercise, the Turing machine $N$ is required to halt on all its possible computation paths using exactly $p(n)$ steps, where $n$ is the size of the ...
Steven's user avatar
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Why is $DSPACE(\log^2n)\subseteq DTIME(n^{\log n})$?

My experience is that $\log^2 n$ normally means $(\log n)^2$, unless context indicates otherwise. The result follows from the fact that $DSPACE(f(n)) \subseteq DTIME(2^{f(n)})$ (proven by using the ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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Quick and space-efficient way to find whether two sets intersect

Use a partitioned Bloom filter for testing set intersection. It has lower FPR than unpartitioned (standard) Bloom filters. To intersect two partitioned Bloom filters: AND the bit vectors for all the ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
1 vote

Show Recognizing two Regular Expressions as equal is in PSPACE

A good account of this result is in the lecture notes of Dexter Kozen, although the original work of Meyer and Stockmeyer contains a refined space bounds. You may consult that version in Stockmeyer's ...
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