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3 votes

Linear time approximate multiplication

If you just want a $\Theta(ab)$ precision then we can just consider the binary representation of $a, b$, and we can easily get two "ceiling" power of 2: $$ a' = \min \{ 2^w | 2^w \ge a\} \\ ...
27rabbit's user avatar
2 votes

Must an algorithm terminate to be in NPTIME?

Remember, NP is capturing the idea that you can check a solution in polynomial time. So in this case, if you are given a number, you can easily verify if it is a nontrivial factor of your input or not....
spaceisdarkgreen's user avatar
2 votes

Does log(log(n)) grow asymptotically slower than log(n) / log(log(n))?

Let $k=\log n$, so we are considering $\log k$ and $k/\log k$. We just need to calculate a simple limitation $$\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\frac{\log k}{k/\log k}.$$ If the limitation is $0$ then $\log k=...
minh quý lê's user avatar
1 vote

Must an algorithm terminate to be in NPTIME?

A proper definition of $\mathsf{NP}$ (or $\mathsf{NPTIME}$, as you seem to call it) should have been given in your course. You need to check the definition to see whether it requires all branches of ...
Emil Jeřábek's user avatar
1 vote

What is the time complexity of determine_build_order function below?

Yes, your analysis is mostly a correct. The while loop takes ( O(E) ) time because the for loop inside processes each edge ...
Mo._.SADDED's user avatar

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