6 votes

What edges are not in a Gabriel graph, yet in a Delauney graph?

Ah, I think I figured it out, thanks to the help from Discrete Lizard. See the following image of a Delaunay triangulation, where I've highlighted one example where the edges would be included in DT, ...
Wilhelm's user avatar
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4 votes

Voronoi Cell and Voronoi Diagram

Let us assume that $P$ is in general position (no three points colinear, no four points cocircular) to make things easier. As the Voronoi diagram is the dual of the Delaunay triangulation, this is ...
Tassle's user avatar
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Algorithm for farthest point Voronoi diagram?

There are linear-time algorithms to construct a farthest-point Voronoi diagram given a sorted list of vertices of a convex polygon. For a general set of points, first computing the convex hull results ...
pcpthm's user avatar
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3 votes

Voronoi Diagram Drawing Variations and Charateristics

The Voronoi diagram of disjoint segments (b) has been thoroughly studied.                     Image from GIS. See: CGAL Manual, Chapter 43: ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes

Delaunay to Voronoi ... and back?

Unfortunately, you cannot generally reconstruct the generators from Voronoi polygons. Look at the four simple examples below: all have the same two Voronoi cells but different placement of the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Compare two atan2

The following answer is based on the following graph, taken from Wikipedia: If $x_i,x_j > 0$ then you can use the monotonicity of the arctangent to get the equivalent condition $y_i/x_i < y_j/...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
2 votes

Algorithm for farthest point Voronoi diagram?

It's published in Journal of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, DOI 10.1016/j.comgeo.2010.11.004 by Cheong, Otfried and Everett, Hazel and Glisse, Marc and Gudmundsson, Joachim and ...
Pål GD's user avatar
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2 votes

What edges are not in a Gabriel graph, yet in a Delauney graph?

From my answer to a similar question: A Delaunay edge $(x,y)$ won't be a Gabriel edge, if the set of all the possible empty disks with $x$ and $y$ on their boundaries doesn't contain the disk with ...
HEKTO's user avatar
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Voronoi Diagram: Exactly 2n-5 vertices

You made a small mistake by thinking that the Voronoi diagram is a planar graph. Remember that it has those rays that go to infinity. you can make a planar graph out of the Voronoi diagram by adding a ...
A.Schulz's user avatar
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1 vote

Is Fortune's algorithms for Voronoi diagrams described anywhere by Prof. Fortune?

The "popular description" of Fortune's algorithm in terms of parabolas does not appear to be due to Fortune, but due to Guibas and Stolfi [1]. They start by analyzing the geometrical ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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Nearest Neighbour search with Kirkpatrick's Hierarchy and Re-Triangulating Delaunay after vertex removal

To make our life easier, we always assume that the convex hull of the triangulation consists of three points. If it is not, just add three points far away and triangulate. Then, the important thing is ...
Guest333's user avatar
1 vote

Can breakpoints of the beachline move up in Fortune's algorithm?

Consider a situation where the sweep line is just below a site q, whose arc intersects arcs corresponding to the same site p on both ends:
Paulie's user avatar
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Finding the nearest neighbour of an existing 2d point in a set of points within $\mathcal{O}(\log{}n)$ time

If you have a voronoi diagram you have neighbour information of each $p$. You can use that to path search (using A* or even greedy depth first) to the 3 points that surround $q$. Then you can extract ...
ratchet freak's user avatar
1 vote

Robot swarm, Maximum area coverage

I assume by "comparable part of the area" you mean that they should all scan a region of equal area. Additionally, knowing what kind of plane area you have would be helpful, is it convex, is it ...
Dozed12's user avatar
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Is every planar graph a possible dual graph of a voronoi diagram?

No. The dual graph of a Voronoi diagram is the Delaunay triangulation of its point set so, in particular, every interior face of it is a triangle. But there are plenty of planar graphs (e.g., the $4$-...
David Richerby's user avatar
1 vote

Finding the Voronoi cell a point belongs to

I will consider this problem on a Voronoi diagram with $n$ sites and $m$ query points. Generally, trapezoidal decompositions work nicely for point-location. However, as we here have a subdivision of ...
Discrete lizard's user avatar
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Compare two atan2

Just to summarize the answer above as a computer programme (the determinant method does not work): ...
Jonathan H's user avatar

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