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ivan866's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
How can I prove the file on DVD is the original?
i am not talking about the 'file of an NFT'; i am talking about creating an NFT of a file which became popular, and which was created by me a long time ago; what I need is to somehow prove that I am the actual creator, nobody else
Which overhead is smaller - function call or passing variables between processes?
what if i need to process a udp packet almost in real-time, say, in less than 0.8 ms? how do i approach this task?
Which overhead is smaller - function call or passing variables between processes?
what exactly happens if packets are coming faster than a single cycle of a 'while true' loop takes time to complete? will packets be dropped, cached or simply the whole application begins to clog and freeze, potentially unfreezing when no more packets are left in the buffer?