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lPlant's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
10 votes

Infer number of comets, based upon observations of their periodic visits to Earth

8 votes

Are there more partially recursive functions than and recursive functions?

8 votes

Dynamic Programming Solution to 0,1 KnapSack Problem

7 votes

Does this mean $P = NP$

7 votes

Why do low fitness individuals have a chance to survive to the next generation?

6 votes

Can someone clarify landau symbols definition please?

4 votes

Find an MST in a graph with edge weights from {1,2}

4 votes

Can every DCFG be converted to DGNF?

4 votes

What happens to quantum algorithms such as BB84 if P=NP

4 votes

Coin Change Problem(Greedy Algorithm)

3 votes

One rational interval function and one irrational, will they ever collide?

3 votes

Bytes--Measured or Counted

3 votes

Moore's law and Clock Speed

3 votes

What's the difference between a binary search tree and a binary heap?

3 votes

Why do Computers use Hex Number System at assembly language?

3 votes

If Halting problem is decidable, are all RE languages decidable?

3 votes

Non-Approximate Dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Path algorithm for Undirected, Unweighted Graphs?

3 votes

Universal One-Way Functions

2 votes

How do you return the k smallest elements of an array using Mergesort?

2 votes

Given RSA, why do we not know if public-key cryptography is possible?

2 votes

In a DAG, does there exist a sink for all vertices in the DAG?

2 votes

Count combinations differing by fixed number of elements

2 votes

Is the Berman-Hartmanis Conjecture Solved?

2 votes

Is the Calibron 12 puzzle NP-hard?

2 votes

Complexity of edit distance with block operations

2 votes

Maximum weight sum in a subgraph

2 votes

Efficient algorithm to find number of sequences in string

2 votes

Why do we need optimal substructure for dynamic programming?

2 votes

Is the implementation relation between an interface and a class an instantiation or inheritance relation, or neither?

1 vote

Determining if $L$ = {$ { a^nsb^n : s \in L(a^*b^*) ,\ n \ge 1 } $} is not a regular language using Pumping Lemma?