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Kittsil's user avatar
Kittsil's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Bryan, TX, United States
6 votes

Is there a more efficient algorithm than backtracking/dynamic programming?

6 votes

Approximate Bayesian Computation VS Monte Carlo Simulation

6 votes

What is dynamic programming about?

6 votes

Notation: $L_R = \{w\#y\space|\space R(w,y)\}$?

3 votes

What is the evidence that P could equal NP?

3 votes

Definition and properties of support

3 votes

Why computer science papers rarely use advanced mathematics?

2 votes

Combining two infinite algorithms to create a single infinite algortihm

2 votes

How to compare the time-complexity of an optimized algorithm with that of the original?

1 vote

Best data structure for high dimensional nearest neighbor search

0 votes

Schedule two trains whose tracks overlap so they don't crash