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  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
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8 votes

Oracle Turing Machine EXP^EXP

6 votes

Unique SAT complexity clarification

5 votes

Why is CNF-Equivalence coNP?

3 votes

Is $1 + o(1)$ the same as $\Theta(1)$?

3 votes

Why does problem F belong to PSPACE?

3 votes

General Number Field Sieve Big O Clarification

2 votes

Is this possible to solve 3SAT in O(n^24) time and O(1) space?

2 votes

Is generating MIN-3-UNSAT $\mathsf{NP}$-hard?

2 votes

function in big O but not in little o?

2 votes

Showing MAXIMUM CLique is NPO-simple and MAXIMUM GRAPH COLORING is not

2 votes

Is a Knapsack Problem with only Color Constraints NP-Complete?

2 votes

Is the complement of MAX-CLIQUE in NP?

2 votes

Clique Covering - Does it help knowing a graph can be partitioned into equal-sized cliques with known representatives?

2 votes

showing NP completeness for XS

2 votes

Does $\mathsf{P} = \mathsf{NP}$ imply $\mathsf{PO} = \mathsf{NPO}$?

2 votes

4COL problem with additional constraint on the size

1 vote

Does the 3SAT problems have to have consistent operators?

1 vote

What is complexity class for #XOR-2-SAT?

1 vote

Exponential Time Hypothesis and the input size vs number of variables

1 vote

Why is it not possible to recognize a self-complementary graph just by searching for a self-complementary graph on $8$ vertices?

1 vote

Complexity of $FP^{NP}$

1 vote

Do all NP complete problem have polynomial verifier?

1 vote

Loop invariant for a while loop

1 vote

How to sort an array $A[1..i..n]$ where $A[i] \in \{1,2,..,n^5 \}$ in $\Theta (n)$ time?

1 vote

Can I prove that $\sqrt n\log{\sqrt n}=\Theta(n)$?

1 vote

Non-deterministic logarithmic time complexity class

1 vote

Locate all locations in a sorted array where arr[i]<arr[i+1]

0 votes

Check if $P^{NP} = P^{coNP}$

0 votes

Why don't these 2 algorithms take the same time to detect duplicate lines in a file?

0 votes

Big o notation help?