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Curtis F's user avatar
Curtis F
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
19 votes

Are Finite Automata Turing Complete?

10 votes

Is computer science pointless

8 votes

What is the Name of the Problem or Technique of Determining if a Line in a Program Will Execute

7 votes

Is the derivative of a graph related to adjacency lists?

6 votes

Is there a name for this priority queue data structure?

5 votes

Is "Query Equivalence" decidable?

5 votes

Why is 2^32 in a 32-bit system = 4GiB and not 4Gib?

5 votes

Is decimal number 8 represented as 3 bits or 4 bits in computer?

3 votes

Merge Sort Confusion - Initial Phase Missing?

3 votes

How a Symbolic Evaluator Generates Test Input for this Example

3 votes

How a SMT / SAT Solver Generates Valuations for this Example

2 votes

How to solve for the precondition give a postcondtion that must satisfy two conditions

2 votes

Paxos Consensus

2 votes

Context free grammar for language with even number of $0$'s and $1$'s

2 votes

Existence / non-existence of a sequence with short longest increasing subsequence and decreasing subsequence?

2 votes

How would you specify a grammar that can parse letters separated by single underscores?

1 vote

creating a binary search tree (manual)

1 vote

A doubt on converting NOT gate to CNF formula

1 vote

generating mazes using Eller's algorithm - why do I get loops?