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Narek Bojikian's user avatar
Narek Bojikian's user avatar
Narek Bojikian
  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Berlin, Deutschland
1 vote

find all paths from source to destinations and then calculate the path with minimum cost

1 vote

Algorithm to convert undirected connected graph with no bridges to strongly connected directed graph

1 vote

Turing machine that accepts $L = \{a^{n^2} | n ≥ 1 \}$

1 vote

Error lower-bound for an algorithm for vertex cover

1 vote

Undecidability of two Turing machines acting the same way on an input

1 vote

Maximum number of similar groups of a given size that can be made from a given array

1 vote

An NP-hard problem reduces to its complement?

1 vote

Find number of triples that sum up to zero in query-intervals

1 vote

What is the time complexity of this "reverse words" algorithm?

1 vote

How can I prove that my greedy algorithm for least guards is optimal?

1 vote

polynomial reduction & co np complete

1 vote

How are "Problem Complexity" and "Solution Complexity" different?

1 vote

Calculate boolean matrix multiplication (BMM) using transitive closure

1 vote

Given a set of points in the plane all laying on the axis, find the number of right angled triangles

1 vote

Clarifiaction on the NP-hardness of k-SUM-variants

1 vote

Is there an algorithm that can ensure everyone gets bussed to their destination on time, while minimizing the time spent on a bus?

1 vote

Single-source shortest path problem with diameter

1 vote

Satisfiability of bounded assignment of input variables to CNF formula

1 vote

Deterministic infinite automaton equals a normal DFA?

1 vote

Query on distance to parameter in parameterized complexity

1 vote

Are "almost all" decidable languages not in P?

1 vote

Given a binary matrix, find the number of sub-matrices with all ones

1 vote

Transform a non-regular language into a regular one using sort

1 vote

NP-HARD optimization problem and instance correlation

0 votes

Is variable a constant or a parameter

0 votes

Matching 2 sets of items by price

0 votes

Can we compute in polynomial time, an upper bound on an optimal solution of an integer linear program?

0 votes

Need to create CFG that requires sum of other letters

0 votes

Find the shortest path from a set of source points to the nearest source/destination point

0 votes

Examples of time complexity $O(n^k)$