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Subhayan's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
21 votes

What is the significance of negative weight edges in a graph?

8 votes

compressed information = randomness?

7 votes

High maths for game theory

6 votes

Why are weights of Neural Networks initialized with random numbers?

6 votes

How does facial recognition work?

5 votes

How do computers create 'randomness'?

5 votes

Prove correctness of recursive Fibonacci algorithm, using proof by induction

5 votes

Decide if L is regular or not and argue it. Trying to use Pumping Lemma

5 votes

Why is discrete mathematics required for data structures?

5 votes

What is "dynamic" about dynamic programming?

4 votes

String inputs in Machine Learning

4 votes

What is the trade off in converting a DFA into a NFA?

3 votes

Which classifier is more accurate for a SVM classification?

3 votes

Determine whether two languages are context free

3 votes

What is the asymptotic runtime of this nested loop?

3 votes

Regular Expression as basis for creating this grammar

2 votes

Finding Statistical Signifigance for a Classifier

2 votes

Ternary Search Recurrence Relation

2 votes

Computational complexity lecture/videos/exercise

2 votes

kNN: how to improve Spam classification?

2 votes

Converting NFA to DFA

2 votes

Why does stable matching without Gale-Shapely takes n! steps

2 votes

Probability that a uniformly random sequence is already sorted

1 vote

How do I prove that Context Free languages have more memory than FSM

1 vote

What exactly can finite-state machines not do?

1 vote

Class of a Language

1 vote

How many recursive calls are made by this gcd function?

1 vote

Can a Turing Machine decide only non-regular languages?

0 votes

Appropriate minor to go with CS major

0 votes

What does the language {a, b, c}* exactly mean? How will the automaton for this look like?