
For a boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\longrightarrow\{0,1\}$ $H_{avg}(f)$ is defined as the largest $S(n)$ s.t. for all circuit $C_n$ of size $S(n)$, $\Pr_{x\in U_n}[C_n(x)=f(x)]<1/2+1/S(n)$. Here $U_n$ is uniform distribution over $\{0,1\}^n$.

According to Nisan Wigderson 1988, I know that if there exists $f\in E$ with $H_{avg}(f)\geq S(n)$ then there is a $S'(l)$-Prg where $S'(l)=S(n)^{0.01}$. For any general $S(l)$, a Pseudo-random generator, is called an $(S(l),\epsilon)$-Prg if for circuit family $C_{S(l)}$ of size $S(l)$ $|Pr_{x\in U_{l}}[C_{S(l)}(G(x))=1]-Pr_{x\in U_{S(l)}}[C_{S(l)}(x)=1]|<\epsilon$. Here $G$ is a pseudo random function $G:\{0,1\}^l\longrightarrow\{0,1\}^{S(l)}$, generates an $S(l)$ length strings from length $l$.

I was thinking if the converse is also true or not. Means, if we can show the existence of $S(l)$-Prg, then does it follows that there is $f$ with $H_{avg}(f)\geq S(n)$?

  • $\begingroup$ What is $S'(l)Prg$? Which theorem or lemma in [Nisan Wigderson 1988] implies "if there exists $f\in E$ with $H_{avg}(f)\ge S(n)$ then there is a $S'(l)Prg$ where $S'(l)=S(n)^{0.01}$"? $\endgroup$
    – xskxzr
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 11:02
  • $\begingroup$ " For any general $S(l)$, a Pseudo-random generator, is called an $S(l)-Prg$ if for circuit family $C_n$ of size $S(l)$ $|Pr_{x\in G}[C_n(x)=1]-Pr_{x\in U_n}[C_n(x)=1]|<\epsilon$. Here $G$ is a pseudo random function $G:\{0,1\}^l\longrightarrow\{0,1\}^{S(l)}$, generates an $S(l)$ length strings from length $l$." - This is what I know about $S(l)-prg$. There was a result like this in NIsan Wigderson 1988, but what I asked over here is independent of that. It comes from the definitions and some probability trick, I think.. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 14:06
  • $\begingroup$ You seem to refer to Theorem 1 in [Nisan Wigderson 1988], but the original theorem does not mention 0.01. Where is the 0.01 comes from? $\endgroup$
    – xskxzr
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 14:57
  • $\begingroup$ And Theorem 1 in [Nisan Wigderson 1988] states that the two parts are equivalent. Is that what you want? $\endgroup$
    – xskxzr
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 14:58
  • $\begingroup$ I cannot give you the details of the paper, I am sorry, as I did not go through it. All this I got from my university lecture materials. I just want to know if $\exists\;f$, s.t. $S(l)-prg->H_{avg}(f)\geq S((n)$. Definitions are all according to above, might be confusing, that is why I am also struggling with it. What I think is it does not have any connection with NW 1988. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 15:53

1 Answer 1


Theorem 1 in [Nisan Wigderson 1988] implies:

For any function $l\le s(l)\le 2^l$, the following are equivalent:

  1. For some $c>0$, there exists a quick PRG $G: l\to s(l^c)$.
  2. For some $c>0$, there exists a function $f$ in EXPTIME with hardness $s(l^c)$.

Although their definition of (quick) PRG and hardness are slightly different from yours, I think the conclusion is still the same (as long as $\epsilon <1/2$, and your conclusion should be $H_{avg}(f)\ge S(l^c)$ for some $c$ rather than $H_{avg}(f)\ge S(n)$).

The proof can be summarized as follows:

  1. Regard the PRG as an extender from string of length $l$ to string of length $l+1$, and consider the boolean function $f$ corresponding to this extender.

  2. Show that $f$ cannot be approximated by circuits of size $S(l^c)$, i.e., for some constant $k$, all large enough $l$, and all circuits $C_l$ of size $S(l^c)$, $\mathrm{Pr}_{x\in U_l}[C_l(x)\neq f(x)]>n^{-k}$ (note this is a weaker condition compared to the definition of hardness, i.e. your $H_{avg}$).

  3. Use Yao's lemma [Yao 1982] to xor multiple copies of $f$ to obtain a function $f'$ such that $H_{avg}(f')\ge S(l^c)$.

You can see more details in [Nisan Wigderson 1988].


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