For a boolean function $f:\{0,1\}^n\longrightarrow\{0,1\}$ $H_{avg}(f)$ is defined as the largest $S(n)$ s.t. for all circuit $C_n$ of size $S(n)$, $\Pr_{x\in U_n}[C_n(x)=f(x)]<1/2+1/S(n)$. Here $U_n$ is uniform distribution over $\{0,1\}^n$.
According to Nisan Wigderson 1988, I know that if there exists $f\in E$ with $H_{avg}(f)\geq S(n)$ then there is a $S'(l)$-Prg where $S'(l)=S(n)^{0.01}$. For any general $S(l)$, a Pseudo-random generator, is called an $(S(l),\epsilon)$-Prg if for circuit family $C_{S(l)}$ of size $S(l)$ $|Pr_{x\in U_{l}}[C_{S(l)}(G(x))=1]-Pr_{x\in U_{S(l)}}[C_{S(l)}(x)=1]|<\epsilon$. Here $G$ is a pseudo random function $G:\{0,1\}^l\longrightarrow\{0,1\}^{S(l)}$, generates an $S(l)$ length strings from length $l$.
I was thinking if the converse is also true or not. Means, if we can show the existence of $S(l)$-Prg, then does it follows that there is $f$ with $H_{avg}(f)\geq S(n)$?