I am trying to create a regression model using a Neural Network. I am currently learning how to work with neural networks (deeplearning.ai) and so the model is not implemented using any existing frameworks like keras.
Based on what I have learned,
- the model is configured to use no activation function in the output layer (which, obviously, has only one node).
- Input is images of fashion articles (shirt, jackets etc).
- output predicts prices for input article images.
- Hidden layers all use ReLU.
- Random initialization is done for all weights.
- Cost function is Mean Squared Error: $$J = \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i=1}^m (a^{(i)} - y^{(i)})^2$$
Based on the formula for backpropogation, the last layer should get the error based on cost function. For a single example, we have: $$ \mathcal L = \frac{1}{2}(a - y)^2 $$ $$ error = \frac{d\mathcal L}{da} = (a - y) $$
where L
is the loss function, a
is the predicted value and y
is the actual price of the article.
For the entire training set, we have (vectorized):
$$ error = \frac{d\mathcal L}{dA} = (A - Y) $$
where m
is the number of examples, A, Y
are (1 * m)
vectors where each value corresponds to each single example. A
contains m
predictions and Y
has all the m
Is this error
value correct?
My problem is that the model converges to a what appears to be a local minima. The error after a few 100 iterations gets stuck. The error is also not very small (~ 0.0005). I am not sure if I have the equations right.