See some related questions in Cont: NP-hard or not: partition with irrational input or parameter
Given a set $N=\{a_1,...,a_{n}\}$ with $n$ positive numbers and $\sum_i a_i=1$, find a subset $S\subseteq N$ such that $F(\sum_{i\in S} a_i;\alpha)$ is maxmized, where $F(\cdot;\alpha)$ is a known fixed function with parameter as $\alpha$.
Method 1.
To prove the complexity of the problem above, I set $\alpha=1$. Then $x_*=\textbf{argmax}_{0\le x\le 1} F(x;\alpha=1)$ can be calculated, which is an irrational number and $x_*\approx 0.52$.
Given a set $N=\{a_1,...,a_{n+2}\}$ with $n+2$ numbers where
- $a_1,...,a_n$ are positive and rational,
- $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i = 0.02$,
- $a_{n+1}=x_*-0.01$, and
- $a_{n+2}=0.99-x_*$,
determine whether we can find a subset of $N$, such that the sum of the subset is $x_*$.
- Since $x_*$ is irrational, the desired subset cannot contain both of the last two numbers.
- Since the sum of any subset not containing the $(n+1)$th element is smaller than $x_∗$, the desired subset must contain the $(n+1)$th element.
- The remaining question is to find a subset of the first $n$ numbers whose sum is 0.01
So the original problem is NP-complete.
Since $x_*$ is irrational, I can't store irrational numbers in a machine properly and my proof is not correct.
Method 2
Set $\alpha$ with some value which may be irrational, such that $\textbf{argmax}_{0\le x\le 1} F(x;\alpha)$ is rational. Then repeat the process in method 1 and the problem can be reduced from a subset sum problem. This proof does not have the issue of encoding irrational numbers.