I'm attempting to practice for an exam and I'm having some trouble on one of the practice problems. The problem asks to identify a variety of language as regular grammar, context-free grammar, context-sensitve grammar, or unrestricted grammar. It also asks that if the grammar is regular or context-free, to write out the exact grammar. I'm not having trouble with two out of the 4 pieces of language. For instance, the easiest one is as follows:
$\{a^n$ where $n\ge0$, $n\pmod 3 \not= 1\}$ can be described by the regular grammar $A \rightarrow aA \mid a$
However, the language I am struggling with is:
$$\{a^n b^m \text{ where } n>1, m\ge1, n>m\}$$
$$\{a^{2n} b^{3n}\text{ where }n\ge1\}$$
I believe that the first language is context-free because I know that the language $a^nb^n$ is context-free from prior examples and can be described by the grammar $A \rightarrow aAb \mid ab$, however, in this version, $b$ is taken to the $m$ power rather than the $n$ and the bounds for $m$ and $n$ are different, and I'm not sure how that affects the grammar that describes it. Frankly, I'm not sure where to start with the latter piece of language... I don't know how to determine what type of grammar describes it, let alone the grammar itself if it is context-free or regular.
Could anyone help, or at least point me in the right direction?