The following comes from section Dynamic Tables, Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen. et. al.
In the following pseudocode, we assume that $T$ is an object representing the table. The field $table[T]$ contains a pointer to the block of storage representing the table. The field $num[T]$ contains the number of items in the table, and the field $size[T]$ is the total number of slots in the table. Initially, the table is empty : $num[T] = size[T] = 0$.
$1\quad \text{if $size[T]=0$}$
$2\quad\quad \text{then allocate $table[T]$ with $1$ slot}$
$3\quad\quad size[T] \leftarrow 1$
$4\quad\text{if } num[T] =size[T]$
$5\quad\quad\text{then allocate $new{\text{-}}table$ with $2 \times size[T]$ slots}$
$6\quad\quad\quad\text{insert all items in $table[T]$ into $new{\text{-}}table$}$
$7\quad\quad\quad\text{free $table[T]$}$
$8\quad\quad\quad table[T] \leftarrow new{\text{-}}table$
$9\quad\quad\quad size[T] \leftarrow 2 \times size[T]$
$10\quad \text{insert $x$ into $table[T]$}$
$11\quad num[T] \leftarrow num[T] + 1$
For the amortized analysis for the a sequence of $n$ $\text{Table-Insert}$ the potential function which they choose is as follows,
$$\Phi(T) = 2 \times num[T]-size[T]$$
To analyze the amortized cost of the $i$th $\text{Table-Insert}$ operation, we let $num_i$ denote the number of items stored in the table after the $i$ th operation, $size_i$ denote the total size of the table after the $i$ th operation, and $\Phi_i$ denote the potential after the $i$th operation.
Initially, we have $num_0 = 0, size_0 = 0$, and $\Phi_0 = 0$.
If the $i$ th Table-Insert operation does not trigger an expansion, then we have $size_i = size_{i-i}$ and $num_i=num_{i-1}+1$, the amortized cost of the operation is $\widehat{c_i}$ is the amortized cost and $c_i$ is the total cost.
$$\widehat{c_i}=c_i+\Phi_i- \Phi_{i-1} = 3 \text{ (details not shown)}$$
If the $i$ th operation does trigger an expansion, then we have $size_i = 2 \times size_{i-1}$ and $size_{i-1} = num_{i-1} = num_i —1$,so again,
$$\widehat{c_i}=c_i+\Phi_i- \Phi_{i-1} = 3 \text{ (details not shown)}$$
Now the problem is that they do not make calculations for $\widehat{c_1}$, the situation for the first insertion of an element in the table (line 1,2,3,10,11 of code only gets executed).
In that situation, the cost $c_1=1$, $\Phi_0=0$ and $num_1=size_1=1 \implies \Phi_1 = 2 \times 1-1 =1$
We see that $\Phi_1=1 \tag 1$
So, $$\widehat{c_1}=c_1+\Phi_1-\Phi_0=2$$
But the text says that the amortized cost is $3$, (I feel they should have said the amortized cost is at most $3$, from what I can understand)
Moreover in the plot below,
The text represents graphically the $\Phi_1=2$ which sort of contradicts $(1)$, but as per the graph if we assume $\Phi_1=2$ then $\widehat{c_i}=3, \forall i$
I do not quite get where I made the mistake.