I am trying to apply the minimax algorithm to a game of Pokemon. This is a problem where the search tree is usually around 20 levels deep (number of turns) and each level has 9 or less branches (number of choices per turn). What I am wondering is if this is a computationally feasible problem using parallel computing? My idea for how to tackle it is to fork a new thread for the first n number of levels to break up the work.
If my math is correct this means that there will be 9^20 operations that need to be split up (technically it will be less since the number of choices per turn decrease as the game gets closer to the end). I was wondering if there is some sort of constant or general rule of thumb I can use to quickly estimate if this problem is computationally possible and worth pursuing or not?
The most ideal outcome would be if the computation can run in 2 minutes or less, but it isn't a requirement.