I read in my notes:
If we use Dijkstra $|V|$ times ($|V|$ number of vertices) for finding all-pairs shortest paths in graph $G$, we get time complexity for Dijkstra algorithm as $O(VE+ V^2 \log V)$, and if we run Bellman–Ford algorithm $|V|$ times, we get time $O(V^2E)$.
The above details are not important.
I read too, that Dijkstra's algorithm works better for sparse graph, that is, $O(VE+ V^2 \log V)$ is better than $O(V^2E)$ asymptotically for sparse graphs.
I think sparse graphs are graphs satisfying $ |E| = O(V)$ or $E=o(V^2/\log V)$. In fact, I have two misunderstandings:
Which one is more common as the definition of a sparse graph?
According to 1, how we can intuitively understand that $O(VE+ V^2 \log V)$ is better asymptotically than $O(V^2E)$? At least I think the reverse is true.