Can somebody help me with the formula needed to calculate the number of weights for a CNN, using the following sample question as the basis for it?
Suppose we have a convolutional neural network with a 5x5x1 input volume, followed by one convolutional layer with 5 filters that have a 2x2x1 receptive field, followed by one fully connected output layer with 5 neurons. How many weights does the network have in total?
Any help appreciated because I keep getting the wrong answer. I think the first part is:
5 * (5 * 5 * 1) + 5
And this gives 130, it might be completely wrong anyway I am doing:
filters * (5 x 5 x 1) + filters
For the second part (2 * 2 * 1) with five filters I get:
filters * ( 2 * 2 * 1) + filters = 25
So now I have a total value of 155
and after this I am unsure how to factor in the output neurons and arrive at the answer (which I know is 430