You are asking about a very specific instance of the problem and the solution was published as a paper. If you're really interested you should read that.
The solution itself was done with linear programming relaxation techniques and branch-and-bound. There is also a proof which is 32 MB in size when not compressed.
The proof itself basically gives you a lot of inequalities for the LP instance and then for some of them proves (even by brute force) the soundness in this example. This should give you a lower bound of about 142,381,678.2 and you can relax the original problem to just 265,259 edges. Then using branch-and-bound you just need to check this much smaller instance and you can cut anything with the path being longer than the original solution, 142,382,641.
The paper is from 2008 and the authors checked the proof (just checked, not solved the original problem; solution took 136 CPU years) in about 570 hours, so if you have a reasonably strong computer this should be computable in a few days now.
To exactly answer your question, you can use LP and its dual problem to make upper and lower bounds on the solution. If you get good enough equalities for a given problem, you can reduce the instance dramatically.