Task Build the Parse Table
Let $\mathcal{G}$ be the following context-free grammar: $$ \begin{aligned} E &\to TE' \\ E' &\to +TE'\; |\; \epsilon \\ T &\to F T' \; \\ T' &\to *FT'|\;\;\epsilon \\F &\to (E)\; | \;id \\ \end{aligned} $$
I calculated $ FIRST $ and $ FOLLOW $ sets \begin{aligned} FIRST(F) = FIRST(T) = FIRST(E) = \{ (,id \} \\ FIRST(T') = \{*,\epsilon\}\\ FIRST(E') = \{+,\epsilon\} \\FOLLOW(E) = FOLLOW(E') = \{ ),$ \} \\ FOLLOW(T)=FOLLOW(T') = \{+,),$\}\\ FOLLOW(F) = \{ +, * ,$ , )\} \end{aligned}
Here is the rule while constructing parse table\ $$For\; each\; terminal\; a\; in\; FIRST(A)\;,\; add \; A \to \alpha; to\; M[A,a]$$
When applying this rule to the production $$F\to(E)$$ I need to add this to $M[F,id]$ and $M[F,(]$ so when applying this rule again to $F\to id$, Should I need to add again to $M[F,id]$? Then ; It; is not LL(1) ]; grammar right? But it is given LL(1) . How , any mistake I have done?