It appears your question is equivalent to sampling uniformly at random from the integer partitions of $N$, but constrained so that your partition has $\le B$ parts.
If that is correct, there are standard methods to sample uniformly at random from the integer partitions of $N$. See, e.g.,, One approach to solve your problem is to use rejection sampling: generate a random integer partition, and if it has more than $B$ parts, throw it away and repeat.
Another way is to adapt the method of to enforce this constraint, so rather than sampling from the distribution $\Pr[K=k] \propto k^n/k!$, sample from the conditional distribution $\Pr[K=k|K\le B]$. Note that $\Pr[K=k|K\le B] \propto k^n/k!$ for $k\le B$, so one way to sample from this distribution is to let $S=\sum_{k=0}^B k^n/k!$, sample $x$ uniformly at random from $[0,1]$, then let $j$ be the smallest $k$ such that $\sum_{k=0}^j k^n/k! \ge Sx$ and output $j$.
Another way is to take advantage of the recurrence relation for counting the number of integer partitions. You can convert any such recurrence relation into an algorithm for sampling uniformly at random. Let $p(Z,B;N)$ denote the number of integer partitions of $N$ into at most $B$ parts, such that each part is at most $Z$ (or equivalently, the number of distinct ways of throwing $N$ indistinguishable bins into $B$ indistinguishable bins, such that no bin contains more than $Z$ balls). Then there is a recurrence relation for this quantity:
$$p(Z,B;N) = p(Z,B-1;N) + p(Z-1,B;N-B).$$
The recurrence is obtained as follows. Each partition of $N$ falls into one of the following two cases: (1) it uses fewer than $B$ (non-zero) parts, or (2) it uses exactly $B$ (non-zero) parts. In case (2), if you subtract 1 from each part, you obtain a partition of $N-B$ using at most $B$ parts. This immediately gives an algorithm to sample uniformly at random from the set of all integer partitions of $N$ with $\le B$ parts and all parts having values $\le Z$:
Compute $p(Z,B;N)$.
Sample an integer uniformly at random from $0,1,2,\dots,p(Z,B;N)-1$. Call it $x$.
If $x < p(Z,B-1;N)$, then call Sample($Z,B-1;N$) and return whatever it does.
Otherwise, call Sample($Z-1,B;N-B$), add 1 to each part of the partition it returns, append 1's until the partition has exactly $B$ parts, and return that modified partition.
(You'll need to add some appropriate base cases to ensure the recursion terminates, e.g., for the cases $B=1$ and $Z=1$.)
This generates the appropriate distribution. Also, if you compute $p(\cdot,\cdot;\cdot)$ using memoization and the recurrence relation above, this will be a relatively efficient algorithm. Its running time will be something like $O(ZBN)$.
Finally, given this algorithm, you can generate an integer partition of the desired form by invoking Sample($N,B;N$).