Let's say that I have an NP-complete problem such as the Clique Problem. Let's also assume that I have a finte set of graphs. What is the complexity of counting Yes/No instances?
More specifically let's define a new decision problem that returns Yes on a finite set of graphs if the number of Yes instances is $\geq$ a constant $k$ and the number of No instances is $\leq$ a constant $l$ Equivalently $l' \leq \operatorname{count}(Yes) \leq k$. In what complexity class does this problem belong? I know it can be solved in polynomial time with an NP oracle but is it hard in this class or is there a lower bound?
In a more general setting if I need the set of graphs to satisfy a condition $c(\operatorname{count}(Yes), \operatorname{count}(No)) \leq k$, where $c$ is an arbitrary function, does the problem become harder?