
Your task is to count the number of ways numbers $1,2,…,n$ can be divided into two sets of equal sum. For example, if n=$7$, there are four solutions: ${1,3,4,6}$ and ${2,5,7}$, ${1,2,5,6}$ and ${3,4,7}$, ${1,2,4,7}$ and ${3,5,6}$, ${1,6,7}$ and ${2,3,4,5}$ Input The only input line contains an integer n. Output Print the answer modulo $1e9+7$. $1$$n$$500$

Source: cses

My approach: It's a pretty straightforward DP problem, where we follow a loop from $1$ to $n$ and for each such i in $1$ to $n$, we fill the sum DP.

    int s=sum/2;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i){
        for(int k=s;k>=0;--k){
                dp[k] = (dp[k] + dp[k-i])%mod;
    int ans=dp[s]/2;

My question is, if I change here the loop from $1$ to $n-1$ and then output $dp[s]$, then the answer is correct, however if I loop from $1$ to $n$, then output $dp[s]/2$, it is incorrect. I think both should be correct since in the second method, I am counting all the possibly ways of making sum=$n*(n+1)/4$ and then simply dividing by $2$ since we take only $1$ out of the $2$ sets.


1 Answer 1


I have figured this out after experimenting some time with the code. The issue was that we cannot divide $dp[sum]/2$ since we need modulo inverse to calculate the quotient.


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