In the book of Principles of Model Checking (Christel Baier and Joost-Peter Katoen, MIT Press, 2007), Section 9.2, page 701, the semantics of the until modality is defined over some time-divergent path $\pi \in s_0 \Rightarrow^{d_0} s_1 \Rightarrow^{d_1} \cdots \Rightarrow^{d_{i-1}} s_i \Rightarrow^{d_i} \cdots$ as follows:
(We can skip the formal definition at your first reading.)
$\pi \models \Phi \cup^{J} \Psi \iff$
$\exists i \ge 0. s_i + d \models \Psi \textrm{ for some } d \in [0,d_i] \textrm{ with } \sum_{k=0}^{i-1}d_k + d \in J \textrm{ and }$
$\forall j \le i. s_j + d' \models \Phi \lor \Psi \textrm{ for any } d' \in [0,d_j] \textrm{ with } \sum_{k=0}^{j-1} d_k + d' \le \sum_{k=0}^{i-1} d_k + d$.
Intuitively, time-divergent path $\pi \in s_0 \Rightarrow^{d_0} s_1 \Rightarrow^{d_1} \cdots \Rightarrow^{d_{i-1}} s_i \Rightarrow^{d_i} \cdots$ satisfies $\Phi \cup^{J} \Psi$ whenever at some time point in $J$, a state is reached satisfying $\Psi$ and at all previous time instants $\Phi \lor \Psi$ holds.
However, in the book of Model Checking by E.M. Clarke (Section 16.3, Page 256), the semantics of the until modality is given as follows:
$s \models E[\Phi \cup_{[a,b]} \Psi]$ if and only if there exists a path $\pi = s_0 s_1 s_2 \cdots$ starting at $s = s_0$ and some $i$ such that $a \le i \le b$ and $s_i \models \Psi$ and for all $j < i, s_j \models \Phi$.
As indicated, the second definition is stricter than the first one in that it does not allow the case of $\lnot \Phi \land \Psi$ before reaching a state satisfying $\Psi$.
Why are there two different until ($\cup$) semantics in Timed Computation Tree Logic (TCTL)?
Which one is more official?